3. A New Side of Y/N

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It had been about a week since George found her. Echo desperately wanted to give them cruel nicknames, but Y/N decided that, that probably wasn't the best of ideas.

She had regained about four memories from before she got here. She didn't understand how they were coming back like this, but that didn't matter. She still needs the memory on how she got here in the first place.

Memories are weird. Some aren't even real. Some your mind makes up because it thinks it was something you had done. Others are dreams, daydreams and nightmares. These may start out as memories, but twist and merge into something completely different. Or something so similar, that you don't even notice it had changed.

When Y/N first came, all of her strength had just been zapped out of her, like she had used it on something. She probably did use it on something, but now she can't remember. So far her theories were all magic based, but it made sense. Right?

The sun slowly set, lighting up her perfect features. Rays of gold, pink and cyan found themselves spread across the vast blue, and stars started to shine through the clouds. This particular evening, Y/N was perched on a rock, staring at the ever changing sky.

Being around the two boys could be quite exhausting, since they always had something they needed her for. And it wasn't even a task, they just wanted to show off something they had done.

At first it was cute, but now it's just annoying. She was told it was dangerous to go into the forest, so she stayed in the perimeter of the boys' property. She wasn't told why, but she listened anyway.

"Oh, Y/N! There you are. I got worried for a second... anyway could you help me make dinner?" George jogged over to her, subconsciously staring at how the sunrise lit up her skin.

"Sure," she got up, and followed George back into the house.

Immediately the smell of soft wood and lavender filled her senses. It wasn't a strong smell, but it made the cabin a little more cosy. After all, she was probably going to stay here awhile.

"Could you dice the veg?" George asked, preparing the oven.

"Yep, just small cubes?" Y/N grabbed the knife beside her, and turned to the chopping board in front of her.

"Yes please," George confirmed, his eyes lingering on her figure a little longer.

Y/N grabbed the steel knife, and laid out the vegetables in front of her. Before she could even cut a single vegetable, the door swung open.

The way the cabin was laid out, the kitchen counter where Y/N was, faced into the living room, where Sapnap was sitting. Right at the end of the living room was the door that led outside. This means that the three people already in the cabin had a clear view of both each other and the front door.

"What the-" Sapnap was cut off by a tall man barging through the door.

Y/N immediately recognised who this was. The expertly ironed, imperial suit that currently had a few rips. The obnoxious tie that was a couple shades too red. The stubble of a beard, which was beginning to grow back, leaving mutton chops on either side of his sharp jawline.
One eye resembled those of a goat; and the other a deep hazel that could pierce your soul. Messy, but combed dark chocolate hair, and of course, the two pampered horns that he prides himself in, on either side of his head.

"Well hello there." His voice was unusually calm as he strode towards the couch, allowing his eyes to drift from person to person.

Y/N despised this guy. He worked with her Dad, despite being closer to her age. Often when her Dad was back, he would be there too. She wasn't sure who loved alcohol more, her mess of a father figure or this annoying goat man.

"Who are you?" George walked beside Y/N, while Sapnap gave a confused death stare towards the stranger.

"Shlatt." Y/N's tone was laced with hate and venom, which startled the other two boys.

"Funny seeing you here, Y/N, and cooking for them nonetheless! Have you allowed them to make a slave of you?" Shlatt grinned at the annoyed girl.

Oooh! I have the perfect comeback! Call him ugly!

"At least I'm making myself useful, I can't think of one helpful thing you've ever done. Guess you're living up to that disappointing title of yours."

That works too..

Y/N watched as that stupid grin dropped, and a frown pulled at his lips. Sapnap stared in awe, amused and enjoying this new found sass, whereas George couldn't even comprehend the fact of that this sweet girl could say something like that with no hesitation. It was kinda hot.

Shlatt simply grunted in amusement, and took the seat closest to Y/N. Not taking his eyes off of her, he said, "Well I'm the guest here so I guess your cooking for four."

Sapnap scoffed and the brunette beside her shook his head, before muttering something about the nerve of some people.

Y/N rolled her eyes, and began chopping the veg. The two in the living room didn't expect was how fast she could do it. It was about three chops per second. She looked up to face Shlatt, but didn't stop dicing.

"You're not even looking at it!" Shlatt blurted out, while Y/N continued to give him a death stare that could kill. Her eyes narrowed, and her irises were now slits.

"Don't need to," she spat back, finishing cutting the veg in a matter of seconds.

Sapnap was dumbfounded. This was incredible! Something as impressive as this would not go unnoticed.

"Huh. Well it makes sense. Surely something so short would be fast at something, like all rodents," Shlatt smirked at his comment, and Y/N's straight line of lips morphed into a frown.

She moved the knife to where the sun was shining, and tilted it so that it reflected into Shlatt's eyes. He let out a quick, "AH!" Before bringing his large hands to his eyes. Sapnap snickered as George silently admired this new side of Y/N.

Y/N smirked as the goat man cursed under his breath, before finally breaking the death stare and pushing the veg into a bowl. George was making beef stew, and had been distracted from preparing the beef.

Damn. You're like a totally different person. Wait.. you are Y/N, right? I haven't been sitting inside of some stranger's soul, right?

Okay phew... well stop with the mood swings, sheesh.

I'm a little bit busy rn, but I hope you enjoyed anyway! I write better than this, I promise, but I just woke up haha.

1152 words

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