11. Echo Q&A!

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[This part counts as a chapter]



Your_Local_Arsonist asks:

How are you?

Amazing, obviously.

What are your preferred pronouns?

Any. I physically don't have a bottom half, so I don't have a gender. They/Them, He/Him, She/Her all work :D

Are you aware that you're in a fictional universe?

...What? I'm... in a what? Like an anime? DOES THAT MEAN THAT I CAN-

[Error, subject has broken multiple physics and defied too many laws of gravity, used 'plot armour' 64496 times and used 16271 locked magical spells, killed 990 civilisations and evolved both backwards and inside out in the space of 0.002 seconds. Finding solution...]

[Solution Found!]

[Erased all memories of previous question]

What do you think of Y/N?

She's cool. Not as cool as me, but cool enough to summon me. The problem is, she's like a danger homing beacon so I constantly have to watch her back.

Ashthearsonist asks:

Hey Echo! How's your day been?

Better now that you're here.

Who's your favourite out of who you and Y/N have met so far?

Probably Nokia and Bamboo. They seem nice... and Bamboo was... cute?

How much power do you have compared to Y/N's alone?

Well, at first, my maximum magical energy capacity was only a fraction of Y/N's, since she summoned me, duh. But then, the barrier that connected us broke and I obtained my own capacity, separate from Y/N's. So now, my max magic power is independent, and has over taken Y/N's.

What's your preferred form when in animal shape? Thanks!

I like being either a: Fox, cat, or wolf.

Snowyparade asks:

What do you think about your stans/simps?

I have stans? Wait... that means...

BiaxalBluSky asks:

How's your skills in handling dire situations and escaping them?

I'd say that I handle them pretty well. I usually go in front and make sure Y/N can escape, and then once I'm sure that I can leave as well, or that the threat has been neutralised, I follow after her.

Delicate_tears asks:

Echo do your shoes need shining

I can't wear shoes. I don't have feet.

UNKNOWNdoesnotexist asks:

Wassup Echo!! Can you shapeshift into a human? Also can you be mine?

Wassup Echo!! Can you shapeshift into a human? Also can you be mine?

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