Chapter 45 || The Sokovia Accords

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Ayooo attendance time

When I wake up, I am met with piercing green eyes that look anything but pleased with me. Smiling, I sit up and pull the wires off, making her reach over and push me back down.

"I'm fine. I'm all healed."

Her eyes narrow as she stands and then she slaps me across the face, making me widen my eyes and rub the burning skin on my cheek, "Okay, ow. Why?"

"You ran back into a burning building. When it was collapsing you ignored my orders and stayed inside while the rest of us evacuated."

"I don't do well with orders," I sigh and reach over for a cup of water, sipping on it while she just stands over me, looking like she wants to rip my face off.

"You had me worried. God, Kaden! You got shot three times in front of my face! I swear if you weren't immortal I would...I don't know what I would do!" She begins to pace and my cheeks heat up as I watch her freak out.

I need to tell her.

She's gonna be pissed but I need to tell her.

"Natasha–" "I mean seriously! TADASHI repeatedly said your vitals were getting worse and you literally collapsed outside of that building. Sam and I practically had to carry you to the jet and let me tell you that you are not fun to carry when you're dead weight–" "I'm not immortal," I mumble but she doesn't hear me, she keeps on rambling.

"Steve and I were in charge of that mission and when we give an order you listen to your superior on the mission! I mean how hard is that to understand! I do not care if you are indestructible or not–" "I'm not immortal!"

She freezes in her step, her hand cupping her chin as she turns to face me with her eyes wild, "What?"

My chest feels like it's about with the fear coursing through my veins at her reaction to this. With every step closer, she grows more angered, face reddening with fury.

"When my father banished me he stripped me of my godly powers and immortality. I managed to get most of my powers back but the immortality...I can heal decently fast, just like Steve, but I am not immortal anymore."

Natasha stands angrily, not even blinking before she pulls her hand back and swings it at me, another stinging sensation resonating on my cheek.

"Ouch!" I pout but she grabs my hospital gown and yanks me up in a sitting position, her eyes practically burning with anger as tears begin to pile up.

"NOW?! You tell me this now?! You could die and you didn't think that that could be crucial information to tell your girlfriend who also happens to be your goddamn teammate?! God I am so stupid! You must really have a death wish, Crest."

I've never heard her voice get this angry since we had that fight on the side of the road when she confessed her feelings for me. She wants to hit me harder than she did, I can feel it. She should, I mean I have been keeping a huge secret from her.

I would hit me harder, that's for sure.

"I am sorry. I was worried you would freak out."

"Well no shit I would freak out! My girlfriend who is a god, let's me believe she is immortal so of course I don't get that worried on missions when she gets harmed but now I find out that she could very well die just like the rest of us can! You are lucky I love you because I would love to just absolutely kick your ass right now."

Trying not to smile at her attractive anger, I hold my frown and nod, "I know. I know, Doll and I am so sorry."

"Just..." She pinches the bridge of her nose and closes her eyes, trying to regulate her now erratic breathing before she grunts and slaps me again.

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