Chapter 36 || Vision

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A/N: Heyooooo attendance here :)

"Oh hell no," I growl when I see Bruce and Tony working on the cradle. I know he's up to something. He's not thinking right, whatever he's trying to do with that cradle, whatever they're trying to pull out of it, it could end horribly.

"I'm gonna say this once," Steve deadpans as he leads us into the lab.

Tony smiles up at us, "How about nonce?"

"Shut it down!" I shout but he shakes his head, "Nope, not gonna happen."

"You don't know what you're doing," Steve adds in, his anger building up.

Him and Tony have always butt heads, I'm not surprised that all it takes is Tony Stark's stubbornness to get under the super soldier's skin.

"And you do?" Bruce quips, eyes glaring at me and Cap, then pointing at Wanda.

"She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry," Wanda says as she steps out from behind me. I keep my arm out, not wanting her to get into any danger, especially now around the man who turns into the freaking Hulk.

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

Grunting, I step forward, "Mind your tone Doctor."

"Banner, after everything that's happened–" "That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Tony interrupts Steve angrily and Wanda joins in, the three of them bickering.

"You don't know what's in there!"

"This isn't a game–" "The creature!"

A loud wind and flash of blue stops everyone, destroying some lab equipment. I stare as Pietro finally slows down, holding the tube connected to the cradle.

"No, no, go on. You were saying?" He stares expressionless at Tony and I grow a sense of pride for the guy. Bold of him, sure. But smart ass move.

A gunshot going off makes me stare at the guy until the bullet flies through the glass floor he's on, the shattering of the glass pulling him through. I know instantly that it was Clint when I hear his voice saying something to the frosty-haired twin.

"Pietro!" Wanda going to run but I grab her and hold her back.


"That's my brother–" "And he's going to be fine but these two are about to battle it out so step back."

She looks over as Steve throws his shield and Tony deflects, then blasts his repulsor at him.

Bruce shoves me aside and grips Wanda, his arms keeping her in a tight chokehold.

"Go ahead, piss me off."

She gasps for air and as I go to help her, she shoots her red magic through her, pushing Bruce off her back. I step forward and grab my flashbang arrow, shooting it at his feet, pushing him back and onto his ass, groaning as the flash impaires his vision for a few moments.

Wanda looks at me with a smile, "Thank you."

I shrug at her, "the least I could do for what you did for me. Call it even."

Banner stands as we hear shatters and we look to see Thor summoning his lightning with his hammer.

He's on the cradle.

Oh shit.

"Wait!" Bruce shouts but he throws his lightning into the cradle, overpowering it. I squint as the lights go insane and hear the explosion instantly.

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