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"I am sorry fine?" Rose spoke as Ellen pouted and looked away. 

"I am sorry Coca" Rose whined as Ellen looked at her. 

"I won't forgive you" Ellen spoke firmly. 

"What can I do so you can forgive me?" Rose questioned as Ellen smiled widely. 

 "Give me ice cream!" Ellen exclaimed as Rose furrowed her eyebrows. 

"What? Only ice cream?" 

Ellen nodded as Rose chuckled. "Really you are so childish" 

Ellen pouted and cried "I want ice cream!!" 

Rose laughed more and took her wrist "Not only one, I am gonna buy a whole ice cream shop." 

Ellen stood up from the bench "Yah! It's too much" 

They slowly made their way to Hogsmeade as Ellen sat down on a seat. 

"What flavor do you want dears?" Madam Rosmerta asked as both the girls answered at the same time

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"What flavor do you want dears?" Madam Rosmerta asked as both the girls answered at the same time. 

"Mint chocolate chip ice cream" Rose looked at Ellen as Ellen looked at Rose. 

"You like it too?" Rose asked as Ellen nodded her head rapidly. 

Rose laughed as Madam Rosmerta went to bring the ice creams. 

"Harry said it tastes like red beans in chocolate filled with-" 

"Toothpaste. Sirius said that as well" Ellen added as they both laughed. 

The bell ringed announcing the arrival of someone as well. As an instinct, both the girls turned as Ellen gasped and Rose's widened.


Suddenly the door burst opened as Draco violently flinched and jumps up. 

"You are so dead Draco" Klaus spoke with a menacing smile. 

"Oh umm my dear Klaus, you are the umm best friend I had ever had." Draco spoke backing against the wall as Klaus took furious and dangerous moves towards him. 

"Tell me. What should I do with you?"

 Draco gulped and made a weakened face. "I will buy you whatever you say and will do whatever you ask me to do!" 

Klaus paused for a second and grinned "Whatever and whenever?" 

Draco gulped "Only a week." 

Klaus clapped his hands "Amazing! You are my servant for one week." 

 Draco nodded grimly as Klaus slung an arm around his neck. "Let us go to Hogsmeade and buy some stuff... only for me" 

Draco sighed knowing it is no use to protest. 

He sulkily made his way with Klaus who bought things and items, handling it all for Draco to carry not to mention the money used was also taken off Draco's pocket. 

"Why in Salazar's name will you buy a winged catapult?" Draco angrily growled as Klaus added another item in one of the bag he was holding. 

"Let us get some Butterbeer for you and me!" Klaus exclaimed completely ignoring Draco's remark. They stepped through Three Broomstick. Klaus pushed open the door to reveal Rose and Ellen. 

Draco gasped, dropped the stuff and ran into Rose's arms and started whining. Rose groaned from the pressure as Ellen glared at Klaus. "What did you do with my brother? Do you think he is your slave?" 

Klaus rolled his eye. "He is the one who locked us in" 

Rose's eyes widened yet again as Draco and Rose froze to their spot. Draco gulped. "Our end is here Rose. I loved this worl - "

"It was Rose who did it!" Ellen stood up from her chair as Draco and Rose pulled apart. 

"What? It wasn't Rose it was Dra- Wait...It was Rose's book wasn't it Draco?" Klaus glared at the duo who was avoiding his eye. 

 "Wait, wait, wait. You mean to say it was Rose as well as Draco?" Ellen turned to face the both, also death glaring them. 

"I think it's time to run again" Rose whispered to Draco as she slowly grabbed his wrist. 

"What do yo-" Before Draco could complete his sentence Rose ran straight for the door as Klaus staggered left. 

Draco and Rose ran, occasionally looking backward to find Ellen and Klaus about a metre behind them. 

"I am getting tired!" Draco shouted while still running as he could. 

"Turn right." Rose shouted back as they both turned around and crouched behind a big carton and finally heard the heavy footsteps fade away. Draco sighed happily as Rose turned to face him. 

"Did you actually become his slave?" Draco's ears turned a violent shade of red as he looked away. 

Rose burst out laughing "So you did?" 

Draco slapped her arm as Rose continued laughing. 

"What - What did Ellen want?" 

"Ice cream" Rose spoke before laughing again. 

"Ice cream? Who wants a fucking ice cream? She should have made you her slave!" Draco fussed as Rose continued laughing.

With Ellen and Klaus

Ellen stopped running after a while as she kept her hands on her knees, catching her breath.

 "Are you tired?" 

Ellen looked up and straightened her posture. 

"I'm not tired. You're seeing things. Maybe you're the one who's tired." 

Klaus scoffed as he started running again with a grim Ellen behind him. 

After a few minutes when the duo found themselves back in front of Three Broomsticks, Klaus ruffled his hair in frustration. 


Ellen tried to stifle her laugh but it failed as she started cackling with laughter. 

Klaus looked at her annoyed "What?!" Ellen placed a hand on her mouth to stop laughing and muffled "You are gonna fly to Antarctica and - and kill a penguin?" Ellen burst out laughing again as Klaus opened and closed his mouth several times. Ellen grabbed onto Klaus's shoulder for support. After a few seconds of laughing as they both locked eyes. 

"IF YOU BOTH ARE DONE THEN TAKE THI]ESE HUNDREDS OF BAGS AWAY!" Madam Rosmerta shouted as they both staggered backwards and with a sheepish smile and entered the Three Broomsticks again. 

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