Sirius Is Rescued!

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(Ok, this is the author, I just wanted to say that I wrote this in 3rd pov because Harry's thoughts were important here. Third year is about to end too. See you)

Feeling her had had a bad dizziness; Rose slightly opened her eyes to earn an amount of moonlight that shone onto her face. 

She elbowed up, her body shivered from being arched. It felt like she had slept for days on end.

 Beside her was Harry, who sat on the brown chair next to the bed. His jet black hair was messier like always, scratches on his face didn't look any better, and his eyes were droopy. 

Noticing Rose was awake, Harry quickly sat up, looking at her with a sense of guilt. 

"Rose," he said his voice full of relief. "What are you feeling right now? Hurt? Dizzy?" 

"I feel better," Rose replied weakly. "What time is it?" 

"A little after midnight." Harry told as she responded with a slight nod. 

Rose didn't really have any energy to do anything at that moment. She sat on the bed with her back rested against the pillow. 

Harry kept closing and opening his mouth. He fidgeted with his fingers anxiously, now knowing how to start. 

The moonlight was the only thing that made the hospital wind be able to see. It was cold, even through all the windows were closed. 

Hermione was beside Ron on his bad, Rose waited patiently for a snog scene. 

A little sigh passed Harry's lips, he reached and picked her hand up, the softest he could, as if he thought it would damage her. 

Rubbing his thumb slowly and comfortably against her knuckles, he felt his chest would burst into dust from the guilt he had. 

And surprisingly enough, something did blow into dust, it certainly wasn't his heart but a small vase in the corner of the room. No one seemed to have noticed except he himself. 

He turned to face Rose who was staring intensively at her hand and back at him with a with a small smile. 

Harry took a deep breath, not looking at her in the eye. "I'm sorry Rose, I truly am." He spoke now drawing shapes on the back of her hand mindlessly that sent unknown sparks up her spine.

 The warm scent in her heart was shoving away all the painful feelings she had seconds ago.

 She said "Harry it's not your fault, and not Remus either." 

"You wouldn't have been hurt if I stood in front of you." Said Harry, his voice so low it was barely audible. "I should've pulled you back."

 And it wasn't a lie. Harry thought-knew that he would always willingly sacrifice himself foe her, always.

 Life didn't show mercy and stole everything he has, he couldn't lose anyone else. The Weasleys, Rose, Hermione, Sirius, Professor Lupin...

The scenario when they leave him kept running through his mind. No, just no. 

"Harry I'm alright," She responded, trying to form a grin. "See, my scratch doesn't hurt anymore," She moved her body a bit but immediately stopped when the injury ached again "Okay maybe it does but it's not a big deal really. 

Harry looked at her, his impressive eyes were glowing brighter underneath the moon, showing a bright emerald green. He let out a low chuckle, squeezing her hand gently. 

The hidden courage inside him suddenly wanted to be noticed "You have nice hands by the way" Harry grinned cheekily before pressing her hand onto his lips playfully. 

"You suck at flirting... Who in the world have nice hands? Next time look up better pick up lines" Rose raised both her eyebrows and scoffed whilst trying to bit back a smile. Her face suddenly fell "What about Sirius?!" She tried getting up but the pain was too much and she slammed her head on the pillow. 

"Whoa there. Calm down. We... Well we went back in time and save him." Harry nodded trying to sound convincing but Rose stared at him as if he had three heads. 

He went on to tell her about how they saved Buckbeak ("That's my boy" Rose patted his back as he had grinned stupidly.) and then gave him to Sirius to go back to heaven knows where.

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