A new and hard beginning

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My newly purchased robes stare me in the face as I stand in front of my closet door. I reach for the hanger and bring the clothing level to my face. I heave a big sigh and gently remove the robes from its hanger. Then, I turn and fold them carefully, being sure not to create any wrinkles. I stack my robes on top of my other clothing in my suitcase and continue adding more. It takes about 10 minutes, but finally, all of my belongings I'll need are packed. 

I pivot on my right heel to turn. My bare desk glares at me. Against my better knowledge, I walk to my desk, tenderly sit down on my chair, and run my hands over the smooth surface. I feel something strange yet familiar happen behind my eyes, but I contain it like always. I glance at the clock on the wall which tells me only have an hour until the train leaves for Hogwarts. 

I then hear Narcissa calling me from downstairs. I zip up my suitcase and grab my backpack and head down to meet her and Draco. She rushes us outside, muttering about how "We're going to be late" and "We can't be the last one on the train." I shake my head and roll my eyes when I'm sure they can't see me. I'd rather be the last one on than the first one. But, I guess that's not acceptable in the Malfoy and Lestrange family. Then again, not very much is acceptable in my family.        

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