Locked Up!

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Rose woke up next morning - she had barely slept. The events that happened yesterday still jumping violently in her mind. She went to the common room to find Harry sitting at the couch - zoned out. A huge blush appeared on her face as she remembered the other events that happened last night as well. Rose walked over and sat next to him. 

"Hey Harry" 

"Hey' Mione" 

Rose furrowed her eyebrows and gently tapped his shoulder. "Do I look like Hermione?" 

Harry looked at her for a second and yelped as Rose chuckled. 

"How - When did you come here?" Harry blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. 

"First you answer my question," Rose crossed her hands over her chest. "Why did you - do what you did yesterday?" 

Harry smiled. "Have you ever heard about talking with someone at 1?" 

Rose opened her mouth but closed it again, unable to answer the question. 

 "Anyways, you have already done the Confundo charm at Ron so he will never remember that scene." Harry leaned back into the couch with a smile.

Time Skip (A/N - Because I am lazy)

"Just see the way, he is drooling over her and she is drooling over him" Draco spoke as Rose, Harry and Hermione all nodded. 

They were in the Great Hall, eyeing Klaus and Ellen from a distance. 

Ellen took the butter knife and pointed right at Klaus's face. 

Rose snorted. "Totally drooling on each other." 

Everyone sniggered as Ellen growled at Klaus and he mimicked her. 

Draco gasped "I have the perfect plan to make them fall in love!" 

Everyone leaned closer with a knowing smirk plastered on their face.

Time skip at almost midnight (A/N - Because I am very very lazy)

"Dragons?!" Ellen repeated perkily as they made their way to Rose's dorm. 

Rose nodded her head as Ellen squealed. "You bought 5 books about dragons!!!??"

 Rose nodded her head again. 

"You are the best sister ever!" Ellen slung an arm around her neck as Rose laughed. 

Plan A, part one done.

Somewhere else

"Are you sure that Rose doesn't want it?" Klaus asked as they made way to Rose's dorm. 

"Nope, but she didn't want to drop her ego and give it to you herself." Draco shrugged as casually as possible. 

"I wonder why she doesn't want Advanced Potion-Making book. It is a sixth year book and is really resourceful." Klaus wondered still walking as Draco silently gulped. 

"Well... She has memorized everything so she wanted to give it to me and you know I am not gonna read it in a thousand years." Klaus sniggered. 

Plan A, part two done.

Later in Rose's dorm

"Are you sure this is even a dorm?" Klaus asked and looked around a dorm, quite different from others - There was only one bad with a side table. On the side was a chair loaded with dozens of book. 

"Yes." Draco smiled and passed a book to him. Klaus nodded with his eyebrows furrowed suspiciously before sitting himself down onto the single bed nonetheless. 

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