Just Play Along

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(A/N - By far my favorite chapter)

Ellen looked at an inky haired girl with piercing blue eyes. 

Target locked.

At the same time Rose turned around as her bright smile faded. Ellen although smiled widely and wiggled her eyebrows. 

'Run?' She mouthed as Rose turned around and sprinted. 

"Oh, not so fast!" Ellen yelled and ran behind her. 

"I am dead, I am dead, I am dead, and I am dead" Rose muttered and looked back only to find Ellen a small distance away. 

They both ran through Hogwarts so many times that Rose forgot her counting. As she went past McGonagall she made sure to bow her head slightly as a greeting. McGonagall smiled, shaking her head and spoke to herself. "If Miss Lestrange can survive her sister then the dragons are nothing for her" 

As she turned a corner, someone pulled her into a broomstick closet. She looked up to see Harry. Rose did a thumbs up and stared at the closed door, panting heavily. They heard some footsteps as Harry mumbled 

"Do you trust me?" 


"Rose, stop joking around!" 

"Why else will I be in this small closet when I don't trust you? Of course I trust you." 

"Then play along" 

"Huh? What do you mean play alo-" Rose never got the chance to complete her sentence as Harry grabbed her waist and twirled her around as her back hit the back of the closet. 

Her heart started beating so loudly that it may come out. Harry tightened the grip on her waist as it sent shiver up her spine. 

"Wrap your arms around my neck" Harry ordered not taking his eyes off Rose. 

"What?" Rose's breath hitched. 

"You heard me" Harry spoke, his voice in a whisper that made a shiver run down her spine but she could have sworn she also heard his breath quiver ever so slightly. She hesitantly put her arms around his neck as the footsteps grew louder. 

"Close your eyes" 

"What no!" 

"You said you trust me so close it" 

Rose let out the shaky breath, she was containing for so long before slowly closing her eyes. 

She felt Harry lean in closer; he tilted his head as their noses brushed against each other. Their lips were about to touch when Harry stopped, they were so close that his hot breath was hitting her lips causing her to slightly shudder. At the same time the closet door opened. 

"Ro- Oh umm continue what you were umm doing" Rose heard the familiar voice of Ellen as she realized that Harry was hiding her from view. Rose slowly opened her eyes as the closet door was shut to find Harry already looking at her. He softly smiled before wiggling out of her embrace. They both went to the farthest corner with so much space in between that two people may stand as well. 

"I - I thought you were about to... you know?" Rose wasn't able to say it out loud as she stared at her shoes. 

"Even I thought so, but I didn't wanna ruin our relationsh-" Rose's head shot up as she blinked a few times. 

"I meant - I meant friendship." Rose nodded her head; both of them grateful that is dark or else the heavy blush on both their cheeks would have been shown. 

"Thanks" Rose whispered quietly as Harry slightly furrowed his eyebrows. "What for?" 

She looked up at him and smiled. 

"Firstly because you saved me from Ellen because I know she would have strangled me. Secondly... I didn't want my first kiss to be hasty and fake."

Harry smiled. "It would have been your first one?" 

Rose laughed "If you are including my mom then no, I have kissed her plenty of times." 

"I wanna be your first one-" Harry stopped mid-sentence and looked away cursing under his breath. 

"You have a habit of saying your thoughts out loud and it's really bad sometimes." Harry playfully scoffed "I heard your shaky breath, which meant you were nervous." Rose looked at him and scooted over placing her hand on his chest as he froze. "Your heart is beating like crazy and you want to tease me?" Rose laughed as Harry rolled his eyes with a smile.

Somewhere Else

"Klaus, forgive me for Salazar's sake" Draco cursed under his breath but Klaus didn't give up. 

"How dare you! You filthy, white, disgusting ferret" Klaus shouted as he slowly started gaining pace. 

"Call me whatever you want but for please leave me alone!" Draco shouted and ran as fast as he could before he was pulled into a closet. 

"Who are you? What you want? If you want to ask me out or something it is not the time. I am tryi-" Draco started ranting loudly as the girl pressed her lips to his. He freezed to his spot and before he knew it his lips were moving in with hers. 

If it would have been someone else, he would have hexed her for sure but this felt different... something better, more loving. 

The girl pulled away and wiped her lips. "I am Klaus's sister. I am not here to ask you out, I am saving you from my brother, so don't feel special." Draco looked at her as if she was extinct species. She snapped her fingers in front of his face as he looked away and shook his head soberly. 

They heard footsteps that were slowly fading away, thankfully. The mysterious girl, that Draco had named her sighed happily when the footsteps had fully died away. She looked at Draco who was still staring at her. She made a disgusted face and pulled out her wand, right below Draco's neck. 

"If you tell anyone what happened, then you will 10 feet below me" With that she burst open the closet door and went out as Draco cautionsely went to his dorm. He stepped and looked to his left and then to his right. 

Clear Spot.

He flopped on his bed and stared at the bright green ceiling with live snakes painted that were moving creepily. Draco closed his eyes, mesmerizing the moment. Feisty. A smile broke through his lips every time he thought about it. Suddenly the door flew opened as Draco violently flinched and jumps up. "You are so dead Draco" Klaus cooed. 

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