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I was struggling to find the Gryffindor common room, I didn't want to ask Draco, and I didn't know anyone else either. 

I felt a soft tap on my shoulders; I turned to find a tall and red haired boy with an engaging grin. "You are new here right? I am George Weasley." He said his grin still in place. 

"I am Rose Lestrange. Nice to meet you." I turned around to walk off, but he took my arm in his and turned me to face him again. 

"You don't know the way; the common room is at that side. Should I show you around the school? "He said his grin turning into a smirk. 

"No thanks just show me where the common room is." I said slowly pulling my arm away from him. 

With a cheeky smile he marched off and I followed him. After reaching in there he went to the boy's dormitories, as I started talking to Prof.McGonagall. After understanding the rules, I sighed and muttering thanks to her, I went to my dorm. I hate it when people come in my room and now I gotta share it with 3 people? This is going to be so difficult. I went to my dorm, hoping to have some peace of mind, but three girls were already in, the two of them came and started introducing themselves, but I was more interested in the girl who was busy reading her book, just my type. I only heard their name - Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. I then nodded and went over to the girl and realized that she was the one who I've seen earlier in the compartment. 

"Hi, I am Rose Lestrange. And you may be?" I said not sure if this was the correct way to start a conversation. "Oh hi, I didn't see you. I am Hermione Granger." She said as a smile appeared on her face. Before I could say anything, she continued on. "Not to sound greedy or something, But I saw you were reading McCall's - Charms for Defense, it has just arrived in the market, you were quite fast to buy. And...Umm I was wondering if I could borrow it for a few days?" I smiled for the first time in weeks and said "Yes, you can, I don't mind even if you keep it forever, I just need to practice 2 more spells." She smiled back and I went to my bed to sleep. 

Cursed BlessingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora