Putting The Pieces Together

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"How wil you fight a dragon? I mean they are sweet and all but they are extremely dangerous" Ellen spoke as she opened the book - Men Who Love Dragons Too Much. 

"I know right" Hermione exclaimed. 

Rose sighed "Ellen, you know so much, don't you have any idea?" 

Ellen looked at her "You are 14 and that is NOT the age to fight a freaking dragon." 

The Triplet searched each and every book but with no luck. Hermione was whispering nonstop. 

 "Well, there are Switching Spells... but what's the point of Switching it? Unless you swapped its fangs for wine-gums or something that would make it less dangerous...The trouble is, like that book said, not much is going to get through a dragon's hide... I'd say Transfigure it, but something that big, you really haven't got a hope, and I doubt even Professor McGonagall...unless you're supposed to put the spell on yourself? Maybe to give yourself extra powers? But they're not simple spells, I mean, we haven't done any of those in class, I only know about them because I've been doing O.W.L. practice papers..." 

Someone cleared his throat as everyone looked up from their book. The person firstly earning an eye roll from Ellen. 

"What do you want Mr. Arrogant?" 

Klaus gritted his teeth. "I was waiting for you for the last hour. What are you doing HERE?" 

Rose noticed Ellen's face ever so slightly drop as she spoke "I don't know? Maybe helping my sister who is about to fight fucking dragons?!" 

Klaus gasped slightly. "D - Dragons?" Hermione grimly nodded as Klaus stared blankly. 

"How in the world will you fight dragons?" 

Rose slammed her hand on the table and stood up "I don't know alright? I am about to die and I don't know how I can reverse that!"

 With that Rose went out of the library, angry and frustrated tears forming in the end of her eyes. Before they could even fall she brushed it away. Rose stopped when she reached the Black Lake. She inhaled the air - as if she was breathing for the first time in a few days. She sat down, her head filled with events. 

This is a Hungarian Horntail," said Rose pointing at the closest to them. "There's a Common Welsh Green over there, the smaller one — a Swedish ShortSnout, that blue-gray — and a Chinese Fireball, that's the red. 

The only champion who would be facing the unknown was Cedric.

Rose opened her eyes and stood up, I need to tell Cedric or... No she can't just win and earn a ticket for Cedric to the Hospital Wing. She ran back up the castle. By the time Rose reached the bottom of the marble staircase, Cedric was at the top. He was with a load of sixth-year friends. Rose didn't want to talk to Cedric in front of them; they were among those who had been quoting Rita Skeeter's article about her and Harry at her every time she went near them. She followed Cedric at a distance and saw that he was heading toward the Charms corridor. This gave Rose an idea. Pausing at a distance from them, she pulled out her wand, and took a careful aim. 


 Cedric's bag split. Parchment, quills, and books spilled out of it onto the floor. Several bottles of ink smashed. 

"Ah...Don't bother," said Cedric in an exasperated voice as his friends bent down to help him. "Tell Flitwick I'm coming, go on..." 

This was exactly what Rose had been hoping for. She slipped her wand back into her robes, waited until Cedric's friends had disappeared into their classroom, and hurried up the corridor, which was now empty of everyone but herself and Cedric. 

"Hi," said Cedric, picking up a copy of A Guide to Advanced Transfiguration that was now splattered with ink. "My bag just split...brand-new and all-"

"Cedric," said Rose, not hearing his greeting "the first task is dragons." 

"What?" said Cedric, looking up. 

"Dragons," said Rose, speaking quickly, in case Professor Flitwick came out to see where Cedric had got to. "They've got four, one for each of us, and we've got to get past them." 

Cedric stared at her. Rose saw some of the panic she'd been feeling since Saturday night flickering in Cedric's gray eyes.

"Are you sure?" Cedric said in a hushed voice. 

"Dead sure," said Rose. "I've seen them." 

"But how did you find out? We're not supposed to know..." 

"Never you mind," said Rose quickly - she knew Hagrid would be in trouble if she told the truth. "But I'm not the only one who knows. Fleur and Krum will know by now — Madame Maxime and Karkaroff both saw the dragons too." 

Cedric straightened up, his arms full of inky quills, parchment, and books, his ripped bag dangling off one shoulder. 

"Thank sissy" Cedric kissed her cheek and ruffled her hair before hurrying in his classroom. 

Rose's eyebrows knitted themselves "Is he not scared? And how dare he call me by nicknames?" Rose rolled her eyes with a scoff as someone kept a hand on her shoulder causing her to jump and turn around - Mad Eye Moody. 

"Come with me" Rose stared apprehensively at Moody. Had he overheard them? 

Rose followed him, wondering what was going to happen to her now. 

What if Moody wanted to know how he'd found out about the dragons? Would Moody go to Dumbledore and tell on Hagrid, or just turn Rose into a ferret? Well, it might be easier to get past a dragon if she were a ferret; Rose thought dully, she'd be smaller, much less easy to see from a height of fifty feet. 

As she entered his office, the first thing she noticed was a trunk with seven keyholes. Rose wondered what was in there as Moody spoke, causing her to break out of her thought. 

"Come and sit." Rose did as she was instructed but her gaze returned to the trunk, why does it feel like it is calling for her? Asking her to open it? Until Moody's next question brought her sharply back to earth. 

"So...found out about the dragons, have you? Got any ideas how you're going to get past your dragon yet?" said Moody. 

"Firstly yes and secondly no," said Rose. 

"Well, I'm not going to tell you," said Moody gruffly. "I don't show favoritism. I'm just going to give you some good, general advice. And the first bit is - play to your strengths." 

"I haven't got any," said Rose, before she could stop himself. 

"Excuse me," growled Moody, "you've got strengths if I say you've got them. Think now. What are you best at?" Rose tried to concentrate. What was she best at? Well, that was easy, really - 

"Potions? Quidditch? " 

"That's right," said Moody, staring at her very hard, his magical eye barely moving at all. 

"My second piece of general advice," said Moody, "is to use a nice, simple spell that will enable you to get what you need." Rose looked at him blankly. What did she need? 

"Come on..." whispered Moody. "Put them together...it's not that difficult. " 

And it clicked. 

"The Summoning Spell." Rose whispered to herself before muttering a quick 'thanks' to Prof. Moody and running out of there. 

"I need to summon my broomstick in wherever the hell we will be fighting and then BOOM I will attack the Dragon from the air" Rose smiled and ran faster to the library before stopping for a second 

"What about Potions? Eh forget about it." Rose shrugged it off and went to Ellen's dorm but as soon as she opened the door, her eyes nearly popped off. 

A/N - Double Updates 😌🤩

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