So Many People Like Me?!

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I didn't know who he was, but curiosity took the better of me. I went to the quidditch pitch next morning after breakfast and saw someone whom I presumed to be Oliver flying around aimlessly on his broom. 

Upon seeing me he came down and said "Hey Rose! I didn't expect you to come. Nevertheless, do you play Quidditch?" "Oh-I do have a firebolt but no, not mu-"I started but was quickly interrupted by Draco who said "Liar, she plays better than you play Wood." 

"What are you doing here Draco? You have really got some guts to follow me! Leave before you regret it." I half-shouted. As soon as Draco left, I turned to Oliver and apologized for him. He then stammered "I...Umm wanted... Too umm ask that if you are free... Would you like to go on a date with me?" I looked at him in pure shock and confusion. "Oliver, I am really sorry, but I am not into relationships...Yet." 

Saying this I went off towards my dorm. As my luck, I collided with someone in the hallways; I bend down to pick up my book. "Not even a sorry" He spoke roughly. "Yes, not even a sorry. How rude of you." I said looking at him straight in the eye before turning to go back. I just so badly needed someone to talk to. 

I was in my dorm, for the first time wishing it was not empty. Suddenly Hermione came in and spoke "Where were you, I searched each and every place!" She took notice of my glum look and sitting down beside me asked "Hey? Is everything ok?" I didn't know what to do so I told her. "Absolutely great Hermione, In Ilvermorny I had no friends and here, I was even asked out by someone on my second day." I sighed. "Let's go for Lunch, I also have to tell you something." Hermione said. 

At Lunch we met up with Harry and Ron. I smiled to both of them and sat down between Harry and Hermione. She leaned in and spoke in a whisper "Who asked you out by the way?" "Oliver Wood" I said sulkily. Harry snickered. "Hey it's not funny" I said nudging him in the arm. "It surely is, ask Hermione" Harry said about to break into laughters. I turned to face her demanding for any explanation. She spoke suppressing her laughs "You know Cedric Diggory?" I shook my head no." Well he is tall, handsome and in Hufflepuff. Look up at the Hufflepuff table and you'll know." She continued. 

I looked up to see the boy who I collided with staring at me. I quickly looked down to the food kept in front of me, slightly biting my bottom lip out of stress. "Well, now listen to this look to your left and you are sure to find Fred and George staring at you as well" She spoke in no sarcasm. 

I again looked away from the food and to my left and there they were, the two identical brothers staring dreamily at me. I looked down again trying not pass out. "So Miss Rose, It's your second day and 4 people already like you and one even asked you out. I won't be surprised if even Ron has a crush on you." "And what if I don't like any of them?" I muttered under my breath. "I heard it" Harry said. "What? What did she say?" Hermione and Ron asked together. I looked at Harry pleadingly; he smiled and with no answer took off running. I ran behind him. "Harry! Stop! Stop you can't tell anyone!" I didn't expect him to actually stop. So we both collided into each other and I fell on top of him. Just half an inch and are lips would have connected. Our noses were almost touching.


It took everything inside me to not make the move. I felt electricity running through my veins as we both were so close. What is this feeling? What is wrong with me?


I quickly stood up, extending my arm for him to stand up as well, I spoke "Don't tell anyone or I will be sent to Azkaban for breaking too many hearts." Harry laughed and we both went to the common room, completely forgetting about Hermione and Ron. We both were sitting by on the couch talking. I don't know why but I never wanted this moment to end. 

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