Am I in love?

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I felt empty, roaming around the village without Harry. I was wondering what he may have been doing. I just had Butterbeer and some other small snacks. 

After what felt like forever, we were back in the common room heating ourselves from the fire while Harry curiously looked through each and every object. Later Harry told us about his word with Lupin, which sure was interesting and mysterious.  

Next afternoon, I and Hermione were doing our homework with a whining Ron. Harry sloppily came and sat beside me while I was still arguing with Ron. "You are gonna receive a straight zero if you write that. It is Snape not Trelawney, that he will believe any stuff you write." I spoke loudly. "What do you expect me to do? Study each and every second of my life?" He spoke back, matching my voice. 

Harry looked at Hermione confused. She whispered "They have been fighting for the last half hour." I felt someone pull my ponytail. "Ow! Stop! Oh- Hey Harry, when did you come here?" I said as I saw Harry sitting beside me. "When you and Ron were fighting." He spoke while keeping his head on the table. "Was Quidditch Practice hard?" Ron asked. "Yes, Oliver was yelling at me and it was raining, my whole head hurts right now...And I have Potions homework to do as well. What a great day!" Harry spoke while slowly bending down to take his book and notebooks. He put the book on the table and sighed. 

I kept a hand on the books and spoke with a small smile "Sleep. You need it. I will do it...only for today, don't make it a habit." "Rose you are a life saver." Harry spoke and side-hugged me. Soon after Harry was peacefully sleeping with his head down on the table. "That is cheating. If that's the case, then I am awfully tired as well. Can you do my homework?" Ron spoke. "You didn't have a rough Quidditch match. So no, I will not do your homework. Keep your mouth shut or Harry will wake up." I whisper-shouted. 

After we all were done with the homework, Ron and Hermione left for 'some very serious business' while I waited for Harry to wake up, he looked really cute. I put my head down as well looking at him with a big smile. I suddenly realized I was zoning out. Seriously Rose?! Snap out of it! I went and fetched a book and started reading it. Harry slowly started waking up, stirring slightly; I looked from the top of my book. 

He looked at me for a second before I spoke up with a grin. "I did all of your homework, Snape will never know as I even copied your handwriting." He looked at me and blurted out. "I love you so much Ro-" He stopped mid-sentence realizing what he had just said. "I-umm meant...umm ahh I well" He started again stuttering. I smiled and spoke "I understand what you meant. No need to emphasize too much on it." I yawned. "Looks like it's my time to sleep. And you better wake me if up only if someone has died or Hogwarts is under attack." I spoke while keeping my head on his shoulders. Harry softly chuckled. As soon as I closed my eyes, I was out like a flash.

Harry P.O.V

'Firstly, I exclaimed that I love her and then she is sleeping on my shoulders. I will die of suffocation or my heart will jump and drown itself in the Black Lake. Oh my merlin, I didn't say that out loud, did I? And what if she can hear my heartbeat rise. No way, it will be so embarrassing but at the same time why do I feel good when I can hear her calm and steady breaths. I am going crazy. I need Ron and Hermione right now so bad' Thinking this I kept my head on top of her and couldn't help smiling like an idiot.  

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