Sirius Black Has Returned

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I stood there transfixed. "I am sorry Rose. I am so -" He started way more softly as a tear falls on my cheek. "Sorry for what?" I interrupted. "SORRY FOR WHAT? That you weren't able to save my mother? Or that you don't know where Ellen is right now? How she is right now?" I screamed at him. Harry, Ron and Hermione stared at me in confusion. 

For the first time in my life, I wanted my wand back in my hand, not to defend myself, but to attack. "And my mum and dad? What about my mum and dad? HE KILLED MY MUM AND DAD!" Harry suddenly roared and lunged forward. I stopped him by backing him against the wall and spoke "You better not interrupt me... and he didn't kill your Mum and Dad." I turned to Sirius while Harry stood there confused but still angry. Muffled footsteps were echoing up through the floor — someone was moving downstairs. 

Without a second thought Hermione started shouting. I turned around keeping my fingers on my lip but it was too late. I still hate Sirius but that doesn't mean that I want him back in Azkaban for something he didn't do. The door of the room burst open in a shower of red sparks as Professor Lupin came hurtling into the room, his face bloodless, and his wand raised and ready. His eyes flickered over each of us before he spoke. "Where is he?" I stood there my mouth slightly open, before I could say something Hermione screamed "I DON'T BELIEVE IT! I didn't tell anyone! I've been covering up for you. Harry, don't trust him, he's been helping Black get into the castle, he wants you dead too - he's a werewolf!" 

There was a ringing silence before I spoke, shaking slightly with fury. "Hermione if you knew this then you should have known everything." Everyone stared at me. "Rose? Are you with them? You betrayed us!" Ron spoke with wide eyes and mouth. "Ron I -" I started but Ron spoke up again "I should have known. You are a Lestrange and you should not be trusted. I was the fooli -" "SHUT UP!" I screamed loudly as I whirled around to face Sirius and snatched my wand from his hand and pointed at Ron's neck before speaking again. "I had numerous chances to kill you but I didn't because I don't want you all dead." I whipped to face Hermione. "Remus sure is a werewolf but he is the most trustworthy person you can ever meet and moreover he has not hurt anyone in the past 3 years I have known. He didn't even help Sirius to come in the castle. And he certainly doesn't want Harry dead." I then turned to face Harry, my wand still in my hand. "Sirius didn't betray your parents... But he did betray me."

 I now pointed my wand at Sirius, my hand shaking slightly. I breathed out and kept a hand on my forehead where my other hand with the wand lowered down. "ROSE! Are you out of your mind? Choose between us or them." Harry shouted looking at me with teary eyes. I looked at him and spoke. "Them" "THEN WHY DID YOU CHOOSE US WHILE ARGUING WITH DRACO!" Harry shouted. I stare at him in shock and speak with my voice slightly quivering. "That's the reason. You are way too nosy... You wanna know the truth Harry? Because it doesn't look like you know it." I paused and clutched my heart furrowing my eyebrows while closing my eyes as the memories strike me as knives on my heart. I look up at Harry now grasping the bedpost and speak. "Your father had three really fateful friends - Sirius Black, Reamus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. Let me make it short. When Voldemort was on the loose. Sirius and Reamus were both scared thinking the other one will be the traitor -" "And he was the one. Sirius betrayed them!" Harry spoke looking at me still in shock. "He didn't Harry." I replied and continued. "Peter betrayed at them." Hermione gasped. 

With a shaky voice I speak the last sentence I could mutter out. "And that Peter is alive and currently in the disguise of Scabbers." 

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