FAQ -- More like a messed-up interview but shh --

Start from the beginning

Gabriel, "If you say so. By the way, did you eat something before going to bed?"

Misha, "Well, maybe one cookie."

Gabriel stares.

Misha, "Ok, maybe two."

Gabriel stares.

Misha, "Fine! Three!"

Gabriel, "Next time, don't snack before going to bed."

Misha, "Yes, mom."

Question # 3

Host, "Did something you were cooking ever catch on fire?"

Gabriel, "Not in my case."

Misha, "Trust me, you burnt lots and lots of things while learning how to cook in my past life."

Gabriel, "And as you said, that was in your previous life, which I have no memory of. Therefore, it doesn't count."

Misha, "Yes it does! Not only did you almost burn down the kitchen several times, but I also had to swallow food burnt beyond recognition! Daily! I am not letting you get away with that."

Gabriel, "...Alright, let me correct myself. The answer is yes."

Misha nods in satisfaction.

Gabriel, "What about you?"

Misha, "Nothing caught on fire, but I did burn a few things when I started to cook, especially rice."

Gabriel stares.

Misha, "...Well, that one time when I was still half-asleep, I may have left a dozen eggs on the stove burner. And the stove was maybe kind of left turned on. The eggs exploded, and there were bits and pieces all over the place. But there wasn't technically a fire, so it truly doesn't count in my case."

Host, "That must have been a real mess to clean up."

Misha, "It must have been! But I don't really know 'cause I called Dereck over to clean it for me. His housework skills are quite amazing, you know?"

Gabriel, "Skills he has you to thank for, I'm sure."

Misha looks away.

Question # 4

Host, "For what reason are you most likely to be arrested according to your friends and family?"

Misha, "Too many things, I bet. Naming them all would take forever, so let's just ask instead. What would you go with, Gaby?"

Gabriel, "Like you said, too many things. For starters, one of your infamous pranks might have gone wrong. You also could have snapped and sent a few people to the nearest hospital. Obstruction of justice also comes to mind. You seem very likely to worsen your case with the authorities."

Misha, "If I blow up, the cop probably triggered me in the first place."

Gabriel, "Yes, of course."

Misha, "You don't seem very convinced."

Gabriel, "It's your imagination. Now it's my turn. What am I most likely to be arrested for in your opinion?"

Misha, "For murdering your stepmother, or your father, or your half-brother... Maybe even the three of them."

Gabriel, "..."

Misha, "What? I can't stand these jerks. They'd be buried in the courtyard by now if I were you."

Gabriel, "You know, taking into account that the missing persons' house and property are the first places where officers would look, the courtyard is not exactly the best option to dispose of their bodies."

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