040; what about corbyn

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third person.

max had found himself sat in the kitchen alone with a dim light lit in the middle of the kitchen island, his phone placed just to the side of him and a bottle of pills the other.

the time just passed one that morning, and with him knowing astrid was in a deep sleep and so was his daughter, he came downstairs for his routinely hour of trying to regather himself, attempting to suppress any bad thoughts in his mind to not worry those around him.

it was one of the first nights that it harder than the others to sit with nothing but his own thoughts and hope it wouldn't drive him insane. yet with tears falling down his face and him fiddling with his rings, a door was heard slowly opening from upstairs soon followed by footsteps along the hallway.

and with the footsteps making their way down the stairs, he immediately sighed and pushed the bottle away from him, tapping his phone to check the time before running his fingers through his hair.

without a word being spoken, mollie sat on the stool just on a different side of the kitchen island yet the one closest to him, watching him glance up at her as he immediately wiped his eyes.

"have you eaten?" he spoke up, brushing off his shaky voice while he turned his phone on, "do you want me to order something in?"

"max," she frowned.

"we can get a uh, i can make a vanilla latte for you," he shrugged, wiping away any excess tears as he got up and turned on his coffee machine, "i think i have almond milk."

"max," mollie repeated, watching him try to make it seem like he hadn't been crying, the boy forcing a small smile onto his face as he turned to her, "sit back down."

he did as he was told, sitting back down in his seat despite avoiding eye contact, his head turned towards the counter as he sighed, "..i'm only protective and controlling because i don't want you to make the same mistakes i did."

"you haven't made any mistakes." mollie shook her head and max looked up at her.

"i've made so many mistakes," he mumbled, "i just don't tell you because i'm trying to guide you to do the right thing."

"name a mistake then."

"...how's corbyn?" max asked in attempt to change the subject, watching his sister pause before she hesitantly shrugged, "is he doing okay?"

"he's fine." mollie quickly spoke.

"good... uh so, astrid and i are staying out for the night tomorrow, are you going to be alright on your own?" max asked her as she gave him a frown, "it's for her birthday so we kind of want a night without iris for- just to have some time together."

"yeah, i'll be fine." mollie shrugged, "i'll ask nic to stay over or something."

"okay." max nodded.

"i'm sorry i yelled at you," mollie frowned, "it wasn't your fault."

"it was my fault because it was about what i was doing," max replied, "i'm sorry for how i've acted, i'm just not- it's not sitting right with me that you're the only family i have left."

"i don't think i could live with myself if something happened to you," he continued as mollie took a deep breath and shrugged.

"you say this every time i do something." mollie scratched the back of her neck as he glanced to her.

"i don't hear from you for two days and then i get told you were in a car accident," max stared at her while shrugging, "then you don't come home and you stay wherever you were."

"corbyn's." she mumbled.

"you had me thinking you were never going to talk to me again," max nodded.

"i'm aware it was a shitty thing to do but you were only going to lecture me about driving." mollie told him as he shook his head.

"i wouldn't do that if it was a drunk driver who crashed into you," max explained, "how did you crash? did a car drive into you?"

"i drove into a streetlight." she slowly said, keeping her voice quiet as her brother completely froze.

"were you high?"




"then how did it happen?"

"...well i turned my steering wheel to the left," she told him, "and sped up."

"you did it on purpose?" max asked her as she subtly nodded, "..oh my god."

"and then i had a panic attack like a couple days ago because these camera guys were at my studio asking about corbyn and his break so it's all very- i'm overwhelmed." she explained while nodding.

"i threw up the other day from anxiety," max told her in hopes of making her feel less alone with how she felt, "first time i did that in about ten years."

"...everyone that knows nana seems fine." mollie said, staring at the wall in front of her, "i haven't heard anyone talk about grandpa is months."

"i don't get how everyone moved on so quickly," max said in agreement to his sister's statement, both of them sighing with frowns on their faces.

"i feel out of touch with everything." mollie admitted as max nodded.

"i can't drive down the street they used to live on." max said through a small laugh despite tears in his eyes.

"i haven't read the letter she gave me."

"oh my god i read mine and spent the rest of the day crying," max looked at her, "but it helped with closure."

"i can't cry," mollie shrugged, "i just feel shit all the time and i can't even force myself to cry."

"i just- i want to move on from what we both said to each other recently," max said as mollie glanced to him, "i'm sorry i was being toxic and weird, but i just want to move on from it and we both agree to be more supportive."

"...okay." mollie gave him a small smile.

"i'm sorry."

"i'm sorry." she replied.

"okay," max faintly smiled, "let's move on."

"what about corbyn?" mollie asked.

"i'd rather talk to him privately about it." max shook his head as she frowned, "i'll text him and arrange a time to talk."

"so he can't stay over?"

"...not for now." max mumbled, "when i get back from my night away with astrid, sound good?"

"sure." mollie raised her eyebrows.

"okay," he said, "read the letter from nana."

"yeah,  i will when i'm ready."

"good." he sighed.


hello be excited for next chapter i've got some
steamyyyyy exciting time happening with two ppl hehehe hot

anyway thoughts? theories??

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