However the man was stuck in place she was pretty close to him and this made him feel kinda jittery. Once she backed up the feeling in his body had come to a stop. "If it'll make you feel any better I'll give you my number." She winked at him in a flirty way with a smug little smirk on her face. "How could I take down that offer?" He smirked back looking down at her in a teasing way. She giggled putting her cup down quickly taking Sero's phone putting in her number. "There ya go!" Speaking in a playful manner the girl gave him a quick elbow to the arm.

Kaminari was currently in the bigger living room dancing with a random girl he had bumped into he was quite content with himself at this point of time. Not to long from then would the countdown start. He was pretty excited for the new year after all it'd be a new start.

[Just for some context Denki and Jiro don't have any songs out with both of them yet so not many people know he's a singer. He'll be as famous as Jiro in a couple of chapters]

For whatever reason Kaminari didn't expect this many people to show up at the party but he wasn't really complaining the blonde was practically getting passed around in the living room girl after girl. One stuck out to him though she reminded him of Jiro, for whatever reason she had purple short hair brown eyes she was shorter then him and frankly she was really pretty but the connection just wasn't there he was attracted to her but his heart didn't want her.  He did however enjoy the time they had danced most girls had other plans with him and he'd just have to move through the crowd to get away but however this girl her arms were around his neck and his around her waist, her brown eyes looked into his and her hair feel right above her collarbone, Denki took a good look at her all he could see was Jiro and part of this made him feel safe and relieved but the other half made him feel like he needed to get away.

However this girl then excused herself and left towards the bathroom quite soon after they had danced and the blonde didn't see her again that entire night. Something about that dance though, it made him miss his ex girlfriend made him wish he had her near just to hold her in his arms.

Before the blonde new it the countdown had started and he was quietly smiling to himself as thoughts popped into his head his face flushing red and his eyes looking down at the cup of grapes someone had shoved into his hands. God my heart feels funny..

He thought as the best of his heart sped up at his thoughts it feels so familiar and safe though. He smiled a nice sensation spread across his cheeks it was tingly and warm. "KAMI!" Kirishima smiled giving the blonde a hug snapping him out of his though. "KIRI!" the bright boy screamed back matching the red heads energy. "We're leaving in a bit so I say let's go look for Sero." Bakugo muttered in a tired tone. "Sounds good to me I saw him earlier with a chick with pink hair." Kaminari stated. "Alright let's go look for the bastard." Bakugo spoke in a groggy tone he was beyond tired and really wasn't feeling it that night.

After some searching the 3 found Sero outside it was now around 2-3 am and he was just sitting out with Mina conversing about things they did as a little kid and silly pictures of themselves. "Hey we're leaving so tell your little girlfriend or whatever bye." Bakugo muttered. "Dude I just met her and chill I'm waiting til her Uber gets here." Sero scoffed at the ash blonde. "It's fine! If ya need to leave you can go I'll be fine on my own!" She smiled at him.

"You heard the girl let's go." He muttered. "Nah just remember we went in my car and I have the keys." Sero chuckled softly looping the keys around his finger. "Yk what fine." Bakugo groaned as he sat down on the cold pavement. Kirishima sat down next to him Bakugos head laying on Kirishima's shoulder. The golden blonde went up to his other friend sitting next to him and the girl he was with. "Whatcha guys talking about?" He asked. "Nothing much. How's your night been tho?" Sero asked. "It's been great just tiring." Denki muttered. "Ashido I think that's the car." Sero spoke as a black Toyota drove toward the house. The girl got up quickly as the car stopped besides them she walked to the car grabbing the door handle but it was locked she looked at the driver and he shook his head. Confused the girl shows him her phone through the window letting go of the car door the dude then shook his head once again quickly grabbing the wheel and driving off before she could even speak.

[I wanted to say that this scene right here was based off of something that did happen so whoever you are the Uber driver who left my sister outside of a bar driving off even though she paid 70 for the ride fuck you she was completely alone and her boyfriend had to buy another Uber for her to get home because she didn't have any more money in her card🖕]

"What the fuck bro!?" She snarled in anger. Sero had just watched what happened and was really confused. "Did he just drive off?!" Sero asked annoyed. "Yea yea he did." She scoffed sighing as in to calm herself from the anger she felt. "If you'd like we can give you a ride home." Sero smiled in a friendly manner scratching the back of his head. Kaminari's head jolted to go look back at Bakugo his expression was priceless he was quite annoyed that Sero has just offered her a ride home but he also knew he couldn't say anything since he too felt quite bad for the girl also it wasn't his car.

"You don't have too!" She informed quite hesitantly not wanting to bother the people she had met only that night. "It's honestly fine we don't mind." Sero spoke in a comforting tone. Staying quiet the girl was in a thought process. Can I trust them? They seem nice but I don't wanna end up in a bad position. She sighed heavily her eyes looking to the side doubt any of my friends are still up though or on their phone and that was the last of my money in my account the rest of in cash. She crossed her arms as she tried to make a great decision. I'll send my location to my friends and family with some context before getting in the car their bound to see it if something does happen but they're probably gonna criticize me big time. She laughed at the thought.

She looked up at the black haired male her gaze meeting his unable to retract her eyes she fell completely silent, once she noticed she quickly cleared her throat looking away. "Ehm, I think I'll have to take you up on that offer." She mumbled fiddling with her thumbs. If something does happen however, I carry pepper spray in my purse and a sharp object, I won't go down without a fight. She smiled, she had always been a pretty strong woman and she definitely knew how to defend herself. As someone who has been the victim of countless men in the past, safe to say they got their ass handed to them.

"Alright, great! I know this is odd since you've only just met us so if you want to call someone or text them where your at and who your with to feel better go ahead, I'll give you my entire name if you want it. Including my friends as well, if that makes you feel safer." He spoke kindly trying to make the girl feel safe in her surroundings since he understood the struggle. Her eyes sparkled a small smile appearing on her lips her heart nearly skipped a beat in that moment. Is he for real? That's so sweet since when are men this understanding? She was kinda surprised in this behavior feeling quite safe.

Smiling softly she pulled out her phone beginning to text her parents and her friends. "Names please." She asked waiting for his response. "Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Katsuki Bakugo, and Eijiro Kirishima." Sero spoke making sure she got it all. "Thanks! Now try something and you'll get your asses handed in jail also I won't go down easily just so you know!" She smiled menacingly. "Gotcha!" He chuckled at her he liked her attitude and he kinda liked that she had just threatened to beat his ass which he knew that she definitely could.

Sero opened the door for the girl allowing her to get into the car he followed in behind her and so did Denki.

After dropping the pink skinned girl off the group returned to their own homes pretty exhausted from their night. Mina sat on her bed of her house smiling at her ceiling and laughing. At least I didn't die She thought closing her eyes soon falling asleep.


Word count: 3346

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