Chapter 7

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Around a week passed since he was given that flyer and if he was being honestly was still considering it even tho that paper was deep within his trash can. He didn't exactly know why he kept second thinking it. It was around 10 am and Kaminari decided he'd audition it's been on his mind the entire week. He sat down on the ground dumping out the trash bin in his room looking for the crumbled piece of paper.

You know if I go to the auditions and get the job... Jiro would have to see me pretty much daily. She'd have to see what she lost. I'm gonna make her regret the day she broke up with me. Kaminari smiled as he looked around on the ground. Suddenly his door flung open to see Kirishima. "uH-" was all he could get out. "I'm not even gonna ask-" Kirishima said with a weird expression was his eyes failing him or did he just see his friend on the ground with all the trash from his trash bin scattered all over the floor.

"I'm just looking for the flyer Bakugo gave me a week ago!" Denki explained. "Ohhh, are you planning on auditioning? Bakugo told me it's for some singer shit and thought you'd be good for it since, yknow you can sing." Kirishima gave a toothy smile crossing his arms. "Yep! It seems like a fun job! Besides, I really do need a better job I'm getting bored of the one I just got like two months ago?" Kaminari muttered pretty unsure.

"Ah, I see! Hopefully it all goes well I'm glad to see your doing so good!" Kirishima replied before leaning down and picking up a crumbled peice of paper. "Yea!" The blonde smiled brightly.

Kirishima smiled once again. "I think this is the paper your looking for, correct?" Kirishima said handing him a now un-crumbled peice of paper. "Yep, that's the one! Thanks, Kirishima." Denki answered. "No problem man!" Kirishima smiled before walking out of the room. "If you need anything I'm in the living room!" He shouted as the door closed.

The blonde got back up onto his feet and quickly searched the website on his phone. I wonder why they aren't just choosing a random ass celebrity. It's kinda odd but whatever. He thought quickly he sighed up on his phone. Well that was easier then I thought. He shrugged putting his phone back into his pocket. He pinned the sheet of paper in his hand against the wall with a pin.

I guess I should clean up that mess. Kaminari thought kneeling down and grabbing everything on the ground placing it all into his trash bin. I'm gonna get that job. And no ones gonna stop me. He thought an innocent grin appearing on his face.

He got up quickly after he had organized everything and made his way to the living room taking a seat on the couch. "You signed up already?" Kirishima asked walking over and taking a seat next to his blonde friend. "Yep!" Kaminari's lips curled into a smile.

"You seem excited about this huh?" Kirishima asked chucking softly. "Oh, I am." Kaminari said as a grin appeared on his face. I'm gonna have fun with this. He brushed his bangs back with his hand only for them to fall back in place. "It's going to be, a fun experience." He spoke in a relaxed tone.

"That's good to hear! Let's hope you get the job, yea?" Kirishima gave an encouraging smile. "Yea!" Kaminari cheered. "When are the auditions anyway?" Kirishima questioned.

"They start in two weeks I still have time to prepare and practice." Kaminari stated placing his finger up as he spoke. "How do auditions even work. This whole thing sounds so confusingggggg." Kirishima groaned. "I don't- exactly know?" The blonde scratched the back of his head. "But might as well give it a shot right?" He spoke enthusiastically.

"Yea! I'm sure you'll get the job!" Kirishima grinned. "Hope so!" Kaminari chuckled. "Hey if you do I'll be friends with japans next big singer!" Kirishima stated giving Kaminari a pat on the back.

"What's with the noise?" A tired Bakugo said making his way through the door. "Jeez bro you look like horrible." Kaminari spoke. "That's a great way to start someone's morning." Bakugo said in a sarcastic tone as he stretched his arms back.

"Aww look who just got out of bed what a bed head." Kirishima teased sticking his tongue out at the ashy blonde. "I'LL KILL YOU BOTH." Bakugo threatened. "Hehe that's not very manly." Kirishima laughed getting up and walking over to his boyfriend.

"Ah. yes. My average life of being a third wheel." Kaminari dramatically groaned. "SHUT UP DUNCE FACE." Bakugo gritted his teeth. Denki sighed and turned away after watching the two kiss. "You guys got any plans today I'm boredddd." Kaminari groaned kicking up his feet.

"No? Not that I know of." Katsuki spoke as he plopped down right next to the electric blonde. "Oooo! I know why don't we all go shopping?" Kirishima lit up. "Sure why not! I have extra money saved up. And I kinda wanna get new clothes!" Denki hopped up from his seat excitedly bouncing over to the redhead. "Fine whatever let's go."

"Ooooo! Let's invite Sero!!!!" Kirishima called as the three walked through the door. "No we're not adding another idiot!" Bakugo yelled. "I'm inviting him anyway!" Kirishima cheerfully shouted as he texted Sero.

"What are you guys even going for?" Kaminari asked sitting in the driver's seat of Kirishimas car locking the door quickly before Bakugo could open it and pull him out. "Eh, I dunno thought it'd be fun I need to get new earrings anyways since I'm getting bored of these." Kirishima spoke. "Right gotchu. What about you bakubitch." Kaminari turned to face the backseat.

"Just gonna get some new clothes and maybe a pair of shoes I'm not sure. I'm only going because I'm being forced to go." The blonde slumped back into his seat. "Sero said he's on his way there along with a friend!" Kirishima smiled. "No ones forcing you to go Bakugo?" Kaminari raised an eyebrow.

"Stop talking and get driving." Bakugo grumbled as Kirishima hit the peddle. "Aye, aye captain!" He joked letting out a small snort of laughter one that made Denki start wheezing for whatever reason.

The three boys were off to the mall for the rest of that day.

[Kiribaku is the only thing that'll be keeping you happy at the moment 😩😩😩 ahem Anyways finally AFTER WHAT FELT LIKE FOREVER WERE AT THE INTRESTING PART 😭😭😭😭 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter I liked writing it bc KIRIBAKU MAKES MY HEART HAPPY ESPECIALLY WHEN I CANT WRITE KAMIJIRO AT THE MOMENT I hope you have a wonderful day/night/evening I love you all!!!❤️❤️❤️]

Word count: 1153

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