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TRIGGER WARNING: signs of sexual harrasment.

Sophia's POV. 

You hear noises around you but you don't know if they're real or fake. You can't figure out what they are exactly and you're too tired to think about it. 

The noise disappears.  

Are you asleep? 

You don't know. 

Now the noise is back again, only this time it's louder. 

Can it stop? 

It's annoying. 

Suddenly it's silent. 

Thank god they listened. 

You don't hear anything for a while but you're startled when you hear a familiar voice. 

"I got you Soap. You're safe now, I promise."

Is that... Charles? 

Charles??? Charles, I'm here!!! I can hear you!

You attempt to open your eyes but you're unable to do so. 

What is he even talking about? Is he talking about you? Are you safe? 

It's silent again. Maybe it was just in your imagination. 

"Alright Soap, I'm gonna call an ambulance. We just need to get to my car so I can get my phone." 

Wait a second.  

It takes you a good few seconds to realize what the voice is saying but then it hits you. 

Wait what? 

No fucking way. 

No no no no!

You want to scream but there's nothing coming out of your mouth. 

You don't want to go to the hospital. You're literally fine. 

You can hear him! Charles, I can hear you talking! Please don't call an ambulance! 

You once again try to speak and finally manage to bring out some words. 

"N...o..., no. Ple...please don't," you say with a shaky voice. 

You take a few deep breaths and manage to open your eyes now as well. You see a figure bowed down next to you.

"No...n...ooo... No hosp... no hospital..." you say softly and with a shivering tone. "Pl...ple..ase." 

It's taking a lot of energy to form sentences, or rather attempts to form sentences. Hopefully he can hear you. 

When he responds, you feel relief taking over your body. 

He hears you. 

"What do you mean no hospital Sophia? They need to check up on you. I don't like saying this but... but... you look pretty bad right now. You need to go to the hospital."

Tears start to roll over your cheeks and you're biting your lip to try and keep it together. You can tell that you're starting to panic as your heartbeat starts to rise. 

You firmly shake your head no again. 

"N...oo... no... I ca...haa...n't. I can't go."

You feel your cheeks getting wet and you desperately look at Charles.  

Charles gives you a confused look. 

"Why not Sophia? Why can't you go to the hospital?"

You start to cry harder as you look away from him. Why doesn't he understand? 

Redemption {Charles Leclerc}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang