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You sigh in relief as you drop your suitcase off at the right baggage claim. Now all you have to do is go through security and find the correct gate. You swing your backpack over your shoulder and start to walk in the direction of the security gates. 

You're super excited to finally visit one of your brother's races, the Monaco Grand Prix. Normally you would have visited a race earlier in the season but you've been so busy with studying that this really is your first chance to go to a Grand Prix. You're glad it turned out to be Monaco though as it is one of the most iconic circuits on the calendar. 

You make your way through the airport of Zürich and manage to find the right gate. You're lucky because you don't have to wait long before you can board the plane. Once you find your seat in the plane, you grab your novel from your backpack and you put your headphones on. You're seated next to what seems like an elderly couple and you smile briefly at them when you take your seat next to the aisle. You don't really mind not having a window seat because you'll get caught up in your book anyway and the flight is also really short. 

You put on some relaxing music and grab some gum from the pocket of your jeans before you close your eyes and embrace yourself for take off. You're pretty okay with flying but you always feel anxious during take off and landing. Once the plane passes its turbulent state and reaches a stable level, you start to relax and open your book. 

It's barely an hour later when the captain already calls out the cabin crew to prepare for landing. When the plane safely touches the ground again, you quickly grab your backpack and follow the mass of people out of the aircraft. You collect your suitcase from the baggage claim and then you walk your way out of the airport building. 

Seb had promised to pick you up from the airport but he had told you that he wouldn't be waiting for you inside as he didn't want to draw any attention. He knows that you don't really like to be crowded by people so he had promised to wait in his car instead. 

You quickly scan the pick up point and smile when you recognize your brother's posture in a Ferrari 488 pista. Ofcourse he had chosen the most extraordinary car to pick you up. You briefly make your way over to the car and put your suitcase in the trunk before you open the door and place yourself on the passenger seat. 

Seb immediately engulfs you in a hug.

"Hey little sis. Good to see you again. How was your trip?" 

You smile widely and briefly kiss his cheek before you break yourself free from his embrace. 

"Good to see you too, Seb. I was missing you already." 

You roll your eyes and he laughs at your sarcastic comment as you had just seen each other last week at home.

"But the trip was good. Very short," you say.  

He nods and then starts the car before he smoothly drives away. You laugh when you see him enjoying the sound of the engine. 

"Nice car choice Seb. Very discrete," you say as you stick your tongue out towards him. 

He laughs. 

"Hey, I can't help it that they gift me these beautiful cars. I thought you would enjoy a small taste of the Monaco lifestyle."

You smile. 

"I'm kidding bro. I absolutely love it." 

He smiles back at you before he focuses his eyes on the road again. You take a moment to look outside your window and see the beauty of Monte Carlo. You've been there before but you were very young back then so you can't remember much. Everything is so beautiful. The sun is shining bright and the city is full of life. There are people everywhere drinking coffees and cocktails on the terraces and the sight of a little boy gasping when the Ferrari drives past him makes you grin widely.

Before you know it, Seb parks the car on the side of the street and gets out. You quickly follow his example while Seb takes your suitcase out of the trunk. 

"Why do you always need to bring such a big suitcase when you're only staying for a few days?" he asks with an annoying look on his face. 

You laugh at him. 

"Seb. You need to accept the fact that I, unlike you, am quite fashionable. I need to look presentable. And besides, I can't go around wearing the same outfit every day in these hot temperatures." 

He shakes his head and smiles before he grabs your suitcase and rolls it towards the entrance of the apartment building where he and most of the Ferrari team are staying during the week. You swing your backpack over your shoulder and follow him inside. 

The two of you quickly make it to Seb's hotel room where you will also be staying as it's basically an apartment with two separate bedrooms. Once he opens the door and lets you in, your mouth falls wide open. It is freaking huge. The living room is enormous with a big couch right in the middle and the kitchen has one of those mega fridges that you've always wanted. As you continue your way, you walk into two doors which lead to the bedrooms. Seb tells you that the first door is yours for the week so you quickly roll your suitcase inside the room. The bedroom comes with a private bathroom which is very spacious as well.

Before you have the chance to discover all the beautiful parts of the bedroom, Seb calls you from the living room. 

"Soph, come here. You haven't seen the best part yet."

You rush your way over to the living room where Seb is standing in front of the window. You walk over to stand next to him and gasp. You can't believe your eyes as you see the beautiful view over the harbor and the blue sea in front of the horizon. 

"Pretty amazing huh?" he says. 

You enthusiastically nod your head. 

"It's miraculous. I can't believe I get to enjoy this view for a few days. Thank you for that by the way," you say as you look at him and want to thank him for inviting you over. 

Even though you and your brother have always been close, you're still grateful that he invites you to come and watch some of his races live. 

He smiles. 

"No worries Soph. I know you love watching me race. Although I sometimes question whether you're really visiting to see me race or just to check out if there are any good-looking drivers around."

You laugh and softly slap his arm. 

"Oh shut up Seb. You know that's not true."

He pretends to be hurt by your slap and you just give him the finger. He laughs and makes his way over to the kitchen to grab some drinks.

You turn your head and happily sigh as you take in the view again. You can't believe you finally get to see a Formula 1 race again. It's your first one of the 2019 season and it's the Monaco Grand Prix! You're sure that this is going to be one of the best weekends ever. 

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