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"We've got five lights ahead of the drivers and it's lights out and away we go. The Mercedes get away well and Lando Norris is starting well, already up towards Charles Leclerc. Pulling out is Carlos Sainz to make a move on Max Verstappen. It's Hamilton out in front from Bottas and Leclerc, going wheel to wheel are Sainz and Verstappen through the first corner. Norris just has to concede. Sebastian Vettel making a move there on Pierre Gasly." 

You sigh in relief when both Ferrari's make it through the first corner in one piece. The first lap is always the most stressful one and now that you're paying attention to two cars, it's even worse.

The rest of the race is actually rather boring but you don't mind too much. You've had a stressful week doing your exams so you're not sure you can handle even more of it. 

You sigh in relief when both Seb and Charles finish safely with Sebastian in P5 and Charles in P3. Sebastian did manage to get the fastest lap in the end but you're sure that he isn't too satisfied with his weekend. He's struggling quite a bit lately and it's difficult to watch. You know how good he is and surely he knows it too so when it's not showing in the results, it does start to hurt after a while. You just keep reminding him that he's still a four-time world champion but you know that his journey at Ferrari isn't going the way he had planned it. 

Charles on the other hand has managed to get his third podium place for Ferrari and you're super happy for him. After his fiasco weekend in Monaco, seeing him on the podium in Canada on tv and now here live in France brings a smile on your face. He's getting his confidence back. 

A few hours after the podium ceremony, you still haven't been able to congratulate Charles. You have no idea where he is. He's probably been busy giving interviews and press conferences and you've haven't really looked for him either as you've just been hanging out with Seb's crew. Now that most of the crew has left the track, you suddenly wonder where he is. Maybe he has left the track already? Maybe he didn't think of you like you're thinking of him? 

You sigh deeply as you make your way out of the garage to catch some air. You know Seb always wants to help his team packing up so you probably still have some time to kill. Without really thinking about it, you find yourself walking to the track. You've always thought it was pretty cool that just a few hours ago they were racing here and now it's all calm and quiet. Peaceful is the better adjective probably. 

You decide to walk a lap around the track to clear your mind from all the stress of your exams but you suddenly hear someone shout your name behind you. 

"Hey Soap! Sophia! Wait up!" 

You grin. You recognize that voice. You recognize that accent. 

It's Charles. 

You turn around and see him jogging towards you. When he's close, you smile and immediately engulf him in a big hug. 

"Ohmygod Charles, congratulations on your podium! I'm so proud of you," you say as you feel his arms around you. 

You hear him laugh against your hair and a happy feeling appears in your stomach. It feels so good to see him again. 

You release each other from the hug and you see a big smile on his face. He's so happy. 

"Thanks Soap. That means a lot. I... you really motivated a few weeks ago. You probably don't realize it but I don't know if I would've gotten those podiums in Canada and here in France if it weren't to you. I guess I owe you something," he says with a shy smile as he scratches the back of his head. 

You slap his arm and laugh shyly. 

"Oh don't be ridiculous, you shouldn't give me all the credits. You were the one who drove that car to the finish line," you says as you gesture him to join you on your walk around the circuit. 

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