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TRIGGER WARNING: mention of sexual harrasment.

Sophia's POV.

There you are, sitting with tear stained cheeks at the kitchen counter in his hotel room.

You're still staring at the unfolded paper in your hands.

The letter.

You read the damn letter.

You've read it about ten times now.

When you found the piece of paper this morning you couldn't believe it. You were about to take a shower as you realized Charles had already left the room but that's when it suddenly caught your eye, simply laying there on the counter. A white sheet covered with black ink from the front to the back with your name prominently present in the first line.

A lump immediately appeared in your throat when you grabbed it with your shaky hands. You were afraid to read it but at the same time you couldn't stop your eyes from going over the words written as quickly as possible.

The first time you read it you cried. The second time you cried even harder. The third time you felt like ripping it apart. The times after that you felt angry, guilty, hurt. At some point you stopped expressing any emotion at all. But the final time it all came out together at once.

That's where you're at right now. You've done other stuff in the meantime such as taking that shower and eating the bowl of yoghurt that Charles made you. You've also tried to watch the race on the hotel television but you weren't able to pay much attention. You saw Max crash in the first lap but after that, you tuned out. It wasn't until the very final lap that it actually kicked in what was happening.

Charles was about to win the Belgium Grand Prix with Ferrari.

Charles was about to win a Grand Prix for the first time ever.

When he crossed the line you felt a sense of happiness you haven't experienced before. You simply couldn't believe it. After seeing him completely broken yesterday you just couldn't comprehend the fact that he would even be capable of racing today - let alone win a race for the first time ever. The way he has controlled his emotions today is absolutely insane and it makes you feel so immensely proud.

You're genuinely happy for him. He deserves this after everything.

It's just a shame that this first win is overshadowed for you by the fact that you're not together.

Oh and by that goddamn letter ofcourse.

You've been fumbling with the piece of paper for a couple of hours now as you're waiting for Charles to return.

You're tired. Exhausted rather. Emotionally drained perhaps.

After watching the emotional podium you've only been pondering about what you're going to say to him. It's been hours but you're still not sure how you feel about all of this. You're even doubting if this is the right time to talk about it as he has just won his first race and as the weekend has already been super emotional. Maybe it's too much right now.

You decide that it's better to leave. He probably won't be back soon anyways.

You stand up from your chair when you suddenly hear a rumbling noise at the front door. You widen your eyes as you sense an anxious feeling appearing in your stomach.

Fuck. He's here.

How is he here already? It's only 9pm. What is he doing here?

You start to panic. You want to leave but you know it's too late. You can't run through the front door anymore. You anxiously fumble with the piece of paper in your hands as you hear his footsteps getting closer.

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