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When you and Seb arrive back at the hotel, it's around 11pm and you're exhausted. You quickly hop into the shower to wash off all your sweat before you change into your pajamas and prepare yourself for bed.

When you finally lay down, you grab your phone and scroll through your socials. You see that Skyler posted a picture of herself on Instagram today which reminds you of your promise to call her. Hopefully she's not asleep yet. 

You quickly tap on her number and send her a facetime request. It only takes a few seconds before she picks up.

"Heeeeyyy Soph!!! How are you doing?"

You smile at her happy face before you mimic her enthusiastic reaction. 

"Heeeeyyy Sky!!! I'm doing greaaaaat. How are you?"

She laughs at you for mimicking her. 

"Yes, I'm gooooood. How is freaking Monaco baby?"

Your eyes immediately lit up. 

"Oh Sky it's so beautiful. The sun shines all the time, the harbor is the prettiest place ever and the the people are super nice as well. The whole vibe here is just amazing."

Skyler pretends to be hurt as she puts her hand on her chest. 

"Ouch, that jealousy stings. It sounds so good! How are things on the track?"

You smile at her. 

"Yeah, good. Good to see everyone again. Met some new people as well. I love seeing the cars live on track again, although quali sucked for Ferrari but still."

Skyler decides to only react to one thing out of all the things you said. 

"Met some new people?" she smirks. "Any good-looking ones in particular?"

You immediately feel your heart pace quickening. Did she just ask you this on purpose?

"Uhhh.... I mean... I guess? I don't know? Just some crew members and some drivers."

Skyler looks at you with a suspicious expression on her face. 

"Hmm... You know your eyes speak volumes right? It seems to me that there's a bit more going on than meeting 'just some crew members and some drivers'." 

Seriously. Is it that obvious? 

You sigh and hide your face in the pillow you're resting your head upon. 

You hear Skyler laugh. 

"Alright Soph, spill the deal."

You sigh and then look up at your phone again. 

"Okay, okay. Well, I finally met Seb's teammate yesterday. His name is Charles. He's from Monaco actually. And I guess he's cute. And handsome. And cute. I can't decide. Both I guess. And he's super sweet as well. But that's all. I only met him yesterday."

Skyler screams in excitement. 

"Ohmygod, tell me more!!! There's got to be more! What's his last name? I need to look this cute and hot guy up."

You laugh weakly. 

"It's Leclerc. Charles Leclerc," you say as Skyler immediately types his name in her phone. 

Skyler never watches F1 so you're sure she indeed doesn't know him. 

You drop your phone as you almost have an heart attack from Skyler's loud screaming. 

"Oh! My! God! SOPHIA! He's freaking handsome! And adorable! Omg he's so hot! And so cute!"

You laugh as she goes from one adjective to another. 

Redemption {Charles Leclerc}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon