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Sophia's POV.

The last few days have been pretty amazing. You were already excited for the get-away with your family but it obviously got a whole lot better since Charles arrived.

Surprisingly, things haven't been awkward at all between you and Seb since... that thing. Over the last few days you've actually been feeling more and more comfortable to be touchy with Charles in front of Seb and the rest of the family. Make-out sessions obviously don't fall under that but small kisses and holding hands has now definitely become a regular thing and Seb doesn't seem to mind it all.

The kids on the other hand are very curious about Charles and why you're spending so much time with him. You've explained to them that he's their father's race teammate but they keep asking why you then sometimes kiss their father's race teammate. It's pretty difficult to answer that question when you and Charles haven't labeled your situationship yet.

Yesterday at dinner, Emma made a remark that actually led to a very awkward moment.

"Sophiaaaaaa?" she went questionably.

"Emmaaaaaa?" you responded as you took a bite of your pasta.

"Why is Charlie always looking at you like that?" she asked.

She's been calling him Charlie ever since you've let that nickname slip out in front of her and you never realized how adorable the nickname sounds now that it's coming out of a kid's mouth.

You looked at Charles confused and Charles looked at you just as puzzled.

"What do you mean Ems?" you asked her curiously.

"Like Daddy looks at Mommy," she said, leaving you still in the dark on what she's referring to.

"How does Daddy look at Mommy?" you asked her further.

She started looking at Seb and Holly who were just as confused as all of you.

Emma shrugged her shoulders.

"With heart eyes."

Seb laughed loudly and Charles was just awkwardly sitting next to you as you felt your cheeks getting red.

"Heart eyes Ems? Like in the cartoons?" Seb asked her.

She nodded firmly.

"YES! When the two people really care about each other and then they look at each other with the heart eyes and it means they love each other," she continued.

You almost choked on your food when she said that. You ended up coughing for a good few seconds whereas Seb continued to smirk, Holly apologetically smiled and Charles just awkwardly chuckled.

You quickly changed the topic of the conversation and nobody brought it up again.

You honestly don't know how to feel about it all.

On the one hand you're still wondering what's so special about the way Charles looks at you whereas on the other hand you felt your heart melt that even Emma seems to notice how much he cares about you. Although he has told you that a couple of times now, it still seems too surreal to believe.

Everything is just so confusing.

You've always told yourself you would never risk the chance of getting hurt again. Yet here you are. Falling in love with a boy when you're still not sure whether he will catch you.

That conversation from a couple of days proved it ofcourse but you can't help but wonder if he wants to take this further at some point. You don't know what the two of you are right now and it's driving you crazy. And then the fact that it's driving you crazy is driving you even more crazy.

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