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Sophia's POV. 

You sigh satisfactory when you take in the morning scent of Monte Carlo as you open the balcony doors and softly close them behind you. 

You wrap your blanket closer around your body because even though the sky is clear blue and the sun is about to appear, it's still quite chilly at 8am in the morning. 

You sit down in the comfortable looking chair while you bring your knees up to your chest and you take in the beautiful view over the city and the sea. It reminds you of when you visited Sebastian for the first time this race season. That's actually when you first met Charles, here in Monaco, which must have been around half a year ago. 

Wow. Half a year ago. In some ways it feels like it has been much longer than that with everything that has happened concerning the two of you. At the same time the seasons have passed by so quickly and you can't believe you've build up a whole relationship in the span of six months.

It's still difficult for you to wrap your head around the fact that you have a boyfriend now - one that you love so very much. There were moments in your life where you thought you'd never be capable of loving again. When you go through so much pain, it's hard to open yourself up and allow other people in. 

Now that you think about it, you're actually very proud of yourself for opening up to Charles. You didn't really have a choice as your heart has never been so full of someone so fast, but still. You allowed yourself to be happy again and it's been the best choice you probably ever made. 

"There you are," you suddenly hear a hoarse voice say behind you. "Why are you up already?" 

You turn around and see a sleepy Charles standing in the doorway with his eyes barely open. 

You smile at him and softly shrug your shoulders.

"I couldn't sleep anymore." 

Even though you only slept for a few hours as Charles came home late last night, you were wide awake this morning. Maybe it was the adrenaline, the nerves, the excitement - probably everything at once. 

Charles walks over towards you and folds the blanket open only for him to cuddle against your side underneath it. You make sure the blanket covers his whole body as well before you softly start to caress his hair. 

Neither of you say a word but the silence is far from uncomfortable. You're just so appreciative for being here with Charles right now as you don't get to spend that much time together. 

Last night was absolutely amazing and you're so thankful for the way Charles has treated you. He has been patient with you all these months and even last night, he made sure you were okay the whole time. You can't help but wonder how you got so lucky. 

"What are you thinking about?" Charles asks as he looks up from your chest. 

You smile down at him as you wipe some sleep away from his eyes. 

"You," you tell him honestly. 

He raises his eyebrows. 

"What about me?" he asks curiously. 

You smile softly. 

"The fact that I'm so lucky to have you," you state sincerely. 

A glint appears in his clear brown eyes. 

"That's actually the sweetest thing someone has ever said to me," Charles says as he looks at you in awe before he turns his head to the sea again. 

"Really?" you ask him perplexed. "What about all the messages you get from fans? Surely there must be the sweetest things being said to you, no?" 

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