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Sophia's POV.

You frustratingly close your book and drop your head in your hands as you've read the same sentence over and over again without being able to move on. While coarsely closing your book, you accidentally knock over the cold cup of coffee you forgot to drink and it spills all over your notes.

You stand up and hastily try to save the few pages that aren't covered with brown liquid.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me...," you moan frustrated as you slump your shoulders.

"Ssshhh," the girl next to you immediately shushes in annoyance and she gives you an angry look.

You look at her and glare angrily. She can't be serious. She can see that you're not being noisy on purpose right? Because otherwise she's fucking stupid. You're very well aware that this is a library and noises are distracting but this is an accident. Instead of shushing you she could help you out like every nice person would do. But she's not a nice person - obviously.

"You ssshhh," you say irritated as you continue to glare at her.

You're surprised by your own confidence to tell her off but you're just so damn frustrated right now. Ofcourse this is happening today. Literally everything seems to be going wrong today.

She swiftly grabs her stuff and then throws you a middle finger before she walks off.

What. The. Fuck. Can she be more dramatic? You watch her walk away and then roll your eyes as you turn yourself towards your stuff again.

You suddenly hear a chuckle. You look up and see that it's coming from the guy who's sitting in front of you at the large study table. When you catch his eyes, he takes off his headphones.

"Such a snob," he tells you with a smirk.

You frown your eyebrows.

"Who? Me?" you ask surprised.

He shakes his head and laughs.

"Obviously not you darl. That tosser of a women."

You sigh in relief and laugh slightly when you hear his thick accent. Definitely British.

"Thank god I'm not the only one thinking that. I almost started feeling mean for shushing her back," you say relieved yet still slightly unsure about your own actions.

He chuckles.

"You were a little bit mean... but she was definitely meaner," he says confidently.

You laugh again and then look at the mess in front of you.

"You want me to help you with that?" the guy asks unexpectedly.

You look up at him and shake your head.

"Don't worry about it. It's my mess after all. I'll just get some wipes to clean it," you say with a small smile.

The guy speaks up again.

"Wait, let me rephrase my words. I'm going to help you with that."

Before you can argue him, he's standing up and walking off to the toilet to probably get some wipes. By the time you finally react, he's back already and cleaning the table in front of you.

You watch him surprised.

"That's very kind of you. Thank you so much," you tell him and he smiles.

While he cleans the table, you gather your notes to see which one might still be savable. When you see that almost all of them are way too soggy, you sigh deeply. These are notes for the exam you have in two days. There's no way you're going to be able to study for it now. You're about to throw them in the trashcan when the guy who's name you still don't know stops you.

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