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Sophia's POV.

You knew it.

You knew it all along.

You knew it wouldn't last.

You and him.

Whatever you were.

You knew it from the moment you first met.

Yet you still had hope that maybe once, just once, something good could stay in your life.

For a slight moment you thought it would. You thought it would be different this time. You thought he genuinely cared about you, and that he wasn't playing games. You thought the two of you could actually be something.

But you thought wrong.

And you should've known it. You should have known it was temporary. Like everything else in your life seems to be.

But you fell for it.


Too hard.

The eagerness for felicity and the longing to be loved unnoticeably wrapped you into its covers.

You never thought you deserved it. You never thought you were worthy of love. But he made you believe that you were.

And that's the worst mistake you've made.

He made you believe it first, and then he showed you that you were right.

You're not worth it after all.

The funny thing is, they say that you can't love someone else when you don't love yourself first. Well they're wrong. You loved him more than life itself.

And now you're left with nothing but a broken heart.

You see... you still love him.

Your love for him was real so it cannot just disappear within a week.

But that's exactly why you're hurting so much. Loving someone who doesn't love you stings. It really does. But loving someone who you think loves you back and then finding out that they never did is completely different. That's pain. It crushes you to the core.

You think everything is great, you're feeling happy, you're feeling alive. And then it all gets taken away from you. Not slowly and steadily. No. It's ripped right out from underneath you.

What a plot twist he was.

It's been a week since you and Charles broke up. Well... you never officially broke up but it's clearly over. And what a ride the last week has been.

When Charles left the house back in Montreux, you did nothing but cry all night. You cried and cried until you literally ran out of tears. You didn't sleep one second, although that was probably for the best because it meant that you couldn't experience any nightmares.

The next morning Holly and Seb obviously asked why Charles left a day early but you didn't tell them the truth. They must have noticed the bags under your eyes but fortunately they didn't push it. They know you'll them when you're ready to tell them.

But it's been a week and not a word has come out of your mouth about Charles. You know Seb will see him again this weekend and you wonder if he'll ask Charles what happened. You actually want him to because you're very curious what he has to say.

You haven't spoken to him since the fight. He has reached out to you quite a lot via phone calls and messages but you haven't responded to anything.

You can't. Not yet.

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