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TRIGGER WARNING: mention of sexual harassment.

Sophia's POV.

"Can I tell you something?" you whisper hesitantly as you nervously fumble with your fingers.

You've been dreading this conversation all week but Charles is leaving for Mexico tomorrow and you have to tell him before he goes. You've been trying to find the perfect moment and while there have been so many this past week, you always found another excuse. You simply weren't courageous enough.

Charles hasn't pushed you at all. After your failed attempt at being intimidate a couple of days ago, you've been apologizing continuously to him but he's not having it. He keeps saying it's not your fault and that you have all the time in the world. You have no idea how he can be so patient because all you've been wanting to do this week is rip his clothes off and lose yourself in him.

It's time. Right now, as you're laying in his arms in your bed and the room is dark, you finally feel a spark of bravery inside your body that pushes your mouth to form the words you've been trying to avoid for so long. This way, you don't have to see the pain that you know will be present in his expression. Conversations are always easier in the dark.

"Ofcourse baby. Always," Charles says with a hoarse voice as he kisses the top of your head.

You place your head in a more comfortable position on his chest as you unconsciously grab the hem of his t-shirt in a firm manner.

"It's... it's about Austria. I want to tell you about Austria."

You can feel him tense up underneath you as he stops stroking your hair. You're pretty sure you feel his heart skip a beat too.

"Su... sure. Yes. Alright. Okay. Are you sure?" he stammers nervously.

You nod your head against his chest.

"Yes," you bring out with a small whimper.

It stays silent for a few seconds and you know it's because he's just as anxious as you are.

"Okay. Let me turn the light on," Charles states as he starts to move himself from underneath you.

You immediately grab his arm to stop him.

"No. Please don't. It's easier to talk when I don't have to look at you. Please," you beg him.

He stops bulging and you can almost hear him think about your words.

"Alright. No lights. Is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable?"

You move yourself in a pleasant position on his chest again and sigh deeply.

"I need you to... just listen. Don't think. Don't judge. Just listen please."

Charles wraps his arms tighter around you and you can feel him nod on the top of your head.

"I promise Soap. I will just listen."

You take one final deep breath as you close your eyes. You've thought about how to tell him what happened so many times yet you're still unsure about your words.

"So. I guess I should start from the moment you left the party. I... I was actually having a lot of fun with Skyler and Max. We were drinking and dancing and yeah... just having a good time to be honest. But at some point I got really tired and I wanted to go back to the hotel. Skyler wanted to go with me but I made her stay. She refused to let me go alone but I know she's not one to leave a party early and I wanted to give her some alone time with Max as they were getting along so well. When I told her I would get a cab, she finally agreed. So that's what I actually went to do. I tried to call a cab but with all the noise going on in the house, I couldn't make a phone call. So I went upstairs to find a place more quiet. I didn't know if it was allowed but I thought it would be fine to just make a call and to wait for a couple of minutes. I just walked into one of the many rooms and it happened to be a bedroom. It didn't seem used so I figured it was a guest room. I went in and called a cab but they would only be available in like half an hour so I had to wait. I waited, and waited, and at some point I lied down on the bed to wait because I was so tired."

Redemption {Charles Leclerc}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant