Chapter Twenty Three

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Repeating The Past

Resurgent Class Star Destroyer

"Well, what do we do now Officer?" A stormtrooper asks.
A female Officer turns around to face the trooper. "Captain Phasma has left her Captain post, & left the Order. She was on the same ship that Allegiant General Pryde was on & went down with him, we have other allies we can rely on." The officer says. "Look, Officer, Kylo left with Y/N, there's no chance in getting either of them back." The stormtrooper replies. "You don't know that. They could come back, we just have to have our patience." The Officer finishes as the Trooper walks away from the main bridge where the Star Destroyer loomed over the Outer Rim no planets or ships in sight other than themselves.

Millennium Falcon

"When do you think we can head back?" You ask. "Shh. Chewbacca doesn't need to know, we'll have Chewbacca inform the Resistance of where we're heading, Batuu, & we'll meet up with them their, find a place to set up base, & when everything is somewhat back to normal down on Batuu, we'll take the Falcon & go get ourselves caught by the First Order." Ben says. "You're saying we're gonna turn ourselves in?" You ask as Ben replies with a nod. "Yes, that's exactly what we're gonna do, & then we'll do the explaining part & they should let us be in control once again, it's not gonna be easy but we'll make it work." Ben says. "Ben, what about the baby? They never found out that I was pregnant." You ask. "That's part of the explaining part, I'm sure they'll understand, besides it's just stormtroopers & First Order Officers. I know my past them. Ok, anyways I'm gonna go tell Chewie to contact the Resistance & send them our flight plan, then we'll do our thing." Ben says as you nod & go over to the baby who was awake & looking at you.

Ben entered the cockpit of the Falcon & sat down next to Chewbacca who seemed pleased to see him. "Hey big furry friend, you mind sending the Resistance our flight plan, we might be able to find an area down their where we can set up base, it'll be used as a hide out... At least for now." Ben asks as Chewbacca replies with a quiet roar & had sent a message to the Resistance showing them the plan of the flight. "Nicely done bud, I'll be back up here when we jump out of hyperspace, just give me a roar & I'll be back." Ben says as Chewie shrugs as Ben walks off curving around the hallway corner & coming back to you.
"Alright, first task is done, now we gotta wait until we get out of hyperspace & land on Batuu." Ben says. "Ben, don't you think the population on that planet is too much for us?" You ask. "Population size really isn't a big deal, there's very few of us now after how many fighters we lost in battle... Including Poe. He was a great guy, & a hell of a pilot." Ben says as you nod. "I miss him, but no one lives forever. & The best pilot wasn't him... It's you. Trust me, I'm telling you the truth." You say. "I trust you, & I believe you." Ben says then Chewbacca growls from the cockpit & Ben goes over to the cockpit for landing while you grabbed the baby & sat down quickly in the seat behind Ben in the cockpit. "Get ready baby girl, this is your first landing in the best ship their is in the galaxy!" Ben says as Chewie roars.
The Falcon came in quick but landed it safely in the main part of town.
Chewie stayed on the ship until the rest of the crew arrived, until then, you, Ben, & your daughter walked around looking for a place to set up & found it pretty easily. "Alright, well looks like the First Order is bothering this area, alright, this will be our base camp." Ben says. "Don't you think it's a bit small?" You ask. "Y/N, like I said, we have less troops so that means we can have less room than a lot of room, it'll just have to do for now, besides, we won't be here much longer, we just have to wait for the team & then we can go unless they need some last minute things done with our help." Ben says as you look up, your daughter in your hands, you see the Tantive 4 land in a high tree covered area, hidden by the city buildings & all the transports land close to the Tantive 4. "They better be careful, don't wanna get anything torn apart from the ship just because of trees, my Dad, when he was around he'd always be in a difficult situation when it came to emergency landings & let's just say for now, it didn't end well." Ben says. "Did it tear apart the ship?" You ask. "Yeah, & at the time it wasn't the Falcon, it a ship designed similarly but different, he totalled that ship just because of trees, Han told me to whole story when he got back to the house, I wish I went with him for the flying part of it but not for the crash landing into trees part." Ben says as you chuckle & see Rey appear from the forest covered area running up to you & hugging you softly. "Rey, it's good to see you, sorry about Poe, he meant a lot to us. To our team." You say. "Thanks Y/N, he did the right thing by sacrificing himself for us, I see you had your baby finally, she's adorable. Anyways, this is base?" Rey asks. "Yep, not a lot of room but Ben says it'll hold us up for now." You say as Rey nods & looks at Ben who shrugged his shoulders. "Alright, the rest of the crew is on their way over here, wanted to check the ships before they headed over. Might wanna talk with Finn, he hasn't been doing all that good after Poe died." Rey says as she walks off & you nod.

When Finn came over you took him under a shaded area that helped block out little sun but it worked out well. "Finn, I know it's hard to say goodbye to someone you knew really well, he was amazing, a great pilot, & a great friend. & Yes, we did lose BB-8 with him too, but they both did the right thing & that was to protect us, & by sacrificing himself that means a lot to us knowing that he served his purpose. Anyways, me & Ben are gonna go see what we can scaveng from the aftermath of our base, I'm sure we won't find anything but it's a good thing to try." You say. "Ok, thanks for the talk Y/N, & keep your daughter safe out their, we don't need to lose anyone else in this galaxy we thrive in." Finn says as you leave with a smile & find Ben & walk with him back to the Falcon just in time to see Chewie leaving & finding his friend, Leia who was welcomed with a warm furry hug from Chewie.
"Ok, looks like everything is set & ready to go, we need anything else?" Ben asks. "Ben, it's not that far, we don't need everything we have, let's just take the important things & get caught." You say as Ben nods & heads off towards the cockpit where he fired up the engines & carefully lifted the Falcon off the ground being cautious because of the layout of the city area.
When Ben was out of the city area he flew the Falcon by hand up into space & jumped to hyperspace heading towards the only place the First Order likes to hang out, the Outer Rim. Ben started to get nervous & so did you as the pull to the Darkside got harder on you, you both tried to get rid of the pull, not hold on to it but just as the Falcon jumped out of hyperspace it was too late. The Darkside took control of both you as the Falcon deadheaded towards a Star Destroyer.

Open the bay door, weapons ready!" The officer orders as a trooper opens the door & backs up quickly aiming his blaster towards the door.

Resurgent Class Star Destroyer

"Sir! We have a uncleared aircraft coming towards us!" An Officer informs the main Officer on the bridge at that moment. "Send Tie's out their & have them lead it to the north side hangar, rally up a group of troopers, I know this ship." The Officer in command orders as she leaves the bridge & heads towards the north hangar where the Falcon slowly dipped down & landed on the destroyer.

s the door came down & safely touched the floor you & Ben, with your daughter deboarded the Falcon, Ben's hands in the air, & your's not because you were holding your child. "Don't shoot, it's me. I'm back." Ben says. "Kylo? Ok, hold your fire, blasters down, their with us. Trooper cuff them, walk them with me, except Y/N, she has to hold her child. You both have some heavy explaining to do Kylo & Empress Ren." The Officer says as one stormtrooper cuffs Kylo & walks him beside you as you both follow the Officer into a cell block where she put you & locked you in while she stood outside of the cell.
"So, where we're have you both been since the last time we saw you both working for the Order? It seems you made a family along the way." The officer asks. "Look, first off, Y/N was pregnant when her & me were still here, we didn't wanna tell you guys about the baby because we wanted to keep it secret, at least until she had it. We were with the Resistance, the light came to me from below & brought me back home where I meet my friends & saw my mother again after years of not seeing her, just hearing her voice echo through the force in my head. We're both back here because we both felt the pull back to the dark & it was too hard to not think about it so we went back to the dark & we're here now hoping for your acceptance & let us help to order, we know where the Resistance went, we can track them down but you can't do it without me... Or Y/N." Kylo says as the Officer looks at the stormtrooper beside her. "Uncuff him. I'm sending to you both to your barrack, your barracks Kylo, to be specific. Get yourselves back into shape, you both look terrible, go now before I change my mind & kill you two... Three." The officer says as she opens the cell & walks away.
The stormtrooper uncuffed Kylo & you followed him to where his barracks were, all the way on the other side of the corridor away from the cells. "Kylo, probably not a good time to ask but are you cool if I still call you Ben? It's fine if you don't want me to." You ask. "I'm fine with it as long as I can still call you Y/N & not Empress Ren." Kylo says. "Well I'm fine with that, we'll still call our daughter her name until we come up with a Darkside name for her." You say as you see Kylo nod as he continues down the corridor with you behind him.

When you & Kylo get to the barracks you go over into the walk in closet & grab a blanket to wrap around the baby & then set her down on the bed as she fell asleep while you & Kylo grabbed your uniforms & both got into the shower together, your bodies soaking wet as the hot water rained upon you & Kylo.

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