Chapter Fourteen

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As Ren's shuttle crusied through hyperspace you got yourself up & walked up to the cockpit watching the bright blue & white flash in your eyes.
"Everything alright up here?" Kylo asks. "Yes sir, we'll be landing soon." A commanding pilot replies. "I was talking to Y/N." Kylo corrects him. "Yeah, everything's good, so, you gonna tell me where we're going or not?" You ask. "You'll see soon enough, it's not that far from here." Kylo says as he walks off & you go sit down in the jump seat in the cockpit.
As the shuttle came out of hyperspace you looked onward stunned by the beauty of the planet, light blue water with green lands all around.

"This is amazing." You say to yourself as the shuttle enters the atmosphere, passing down through the clouds & landing to a nearby lake.
When you landed you were still stunned by what your eyes were seeing & it got even better when Kylo grabbed your hand & walked you down, side by side, looking at everything as the sun beamed down on you. "It's amazing, isn't it? I came here a lot with Leia, her mother, her real mother, was here way more than she was, I've heard stories about her but I never paid much attention, I was still young at the time." Kylo says.
You were sure you were hearing Ben talking through Kylos forceful mind of his but Kylo was still with you & now was Ben.

You & Kylo walked together until you both reached a balcony looking out at the lake the shuttle had landed next to. Swans were swimming peacefully & birds chirped & called out to one another. "This is Naboo isn't it? I thought most of this was destroyed during the Clone Wars Era but I was wrong." You say. "You were alive during those times weren't you?" Kylo asks as you breath calmly. "Yeah, I was here with my parents, they had me train here with my instructors." You reply as you both walk along the balcony until Kylo stops in his tracks & turns to face you. "What? Everything ok?" You ask as Kylo just smiles. "I've been watching you all the time you have been with me, you've shown great sympathy towards the First Order & myself. This may be a struggling time for you but not for me. Y/N... Will you, be my bride." Kylo asks as he gets down on one knee holding the sparkling crystal ring up to you.

You gasped & began to tear up, replying to him with a nod & he got up & hugged you tight in his arms being sure not to hug too hard.
After the hug he slipped the ring onto your finger & kissed you holding his hands around your back.
"So, what do we do? We just added another big thing onto our backs." You say. "I'm not gonna be the one who decides when the wedding is, I'll make that up to you." Kylo says as you smile & then change your expression quickly as a sharp pain occurs in your stomach. "Ah, ow." You say as Kylo let's go of you & looks you right in the eyes. "Are you ok? Do we need to head back?" Kylo asks. "No, no need, I'm good. Hormones, gotta love em'." You say as you walk off holding the part of your pregnant stomach that was showing.

Kylo stands still while you go explore & a stormtrooper approaches him from behind, Kylo feeling his presence. "Trooper?" Kylo says. "Sir, you have a message coming in from Pryde." The trooper says. "I'll be right their." Kylo replies as he nods & walks back to where the shuttle was located.
Kylo eventually caught up with you & told you about the message he had to take, you replied with a simple nod allowing him to leave for a few minutes leaving you alone on the balcony.

While Kylo handled with his Supreme Leader duties you stood on the edge of the balcony closing your eyes.
"Talk to me Rey... Talk to me..." You whisper to yourself.
Your eyes still closed you see Rey in front of you concerned but smiling seeing that you were communicating through the force with her as Kylo does with her very rarely now. "Y/N? You seem worried, is everything ok? Did he hurt you?!" Rey asks as you put up your hand pausing her questions. "I do wanna come back Rey, I really do, but this is who I am now. In the end Rey. We all chose sides." You say. "& Then you come back, right?" Rey asks as you shake your head, no. "I'm sorry, but I'm not coming back as much as I want to, I don't want to fail Kylo like I failed you." You finish.

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