Chapter Thirteen

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Hiding Something

"You ok?" Kylo asks as you walk beside him, both of you in uniform & you reply to him with nothing but a content look on your face. "Y/N? Seriously, are you ok?" Kylo asks until he had enough of you not answering & grabbed your neck & pushed you against to closest wall to your left. "I've had with this amount of silence I'm getting from you right now. All were doing is going to talk to Hux & don't say anything or even try to kill him. You remember what we talked about?" Kylo asks as he lets go of you. "Don't kill anyone or even try to or you'll kill me. You wouldn't kill me anyways though, you've had chances to kill me & you refused, look I get it... You like me. let's just hear what he has to say & get out of his way." You say as you & Kylo continuing walking.

Entering the Hangar Kylo & you spot an imperial, red & dark grey ship landing in the hangar. Kylo & you stopped & walked over, Kylo calling for troopers to back him & you up. "What's going on?" You ask as Kylo stays quiet & you stand tall your chest raised.
The door to the ship opened with smoke & two red armored stormtroopers marched off the ship & stood on opposite ends of each other starring into each other's eyes through the helmets.

A commanding officer walked down the ship signalling his troops to follow & stood in front of Kylo, you starring at Kylo in that moment.
"You must be Supreme Leader Kylo Ren,  Master of the Knights of Ren, correct?" The officer asks. "Why are you here?" Kylo asks as he looks at him. "I am Allegiant General Pryde & you will inform me as sir to you. The Final Order is in full operation, I was told to report to you informing you that I am the commanding General of this operation." Pyrde says as a First Order female officer approaches from behind you & Ren.

You turned around & asked what she needed. "Officer, what is it?" You ask. "We have a situation you both have to see." The Officer says as she stands tall, her hands to her side.
You turned around & whispered to Kylo while he continued to listen & talk with Pryde. "Sorry, will you excuse me for one moment." Kylo says to Pryde as he turns around & asks the Officer what's up. "We have a situation, follow me." The Officer says as she leads you & Kylo to the control room to see someone had sent a frequency to the First Order. "It's a message, can we decrypt it?" You ask. "Unfortunately no, but it sounds like a familiar voice from the Resistance." The Officer replies. "Play it." Kylo orders as she hits play & all of you listen in including Pryde who has followed far behind.

"Hello is anyone there? I was interested in one of your friends on board, goes by the name of Y/N? Have you see this person? If so please let us know, signing off."

"I know that voice. Damn fucking Dameron!" You say. "They're still after you aren't they, & they're going to risk their lives trying to save you." Kylo says. "Come to Exegol Master Ren, bring no one but yourself, I need to show you something that could add on to our victory, & of course yours. I will return back, meet me on the Destroyer on Exegol, you'll know it's us." Pryde says as he walks off back to his ship with his troops that were left behind to look after the ship.

You turned to look up at Kylo & he looked down at you. "Duty calls." Kylo says as you let out a light chuckle. "Go, it's fine, I'll handle everything from here. Seriously, go, you want us to earn sweet victory right? Now go!" You say as Kylo smiles & walks off.
"Something special going on between you two?" The officer asks as you turn around slightly. "Sorry, back to work, go it." The Officer replies & you head out walking down the corridor from the hangar heading back to Kylo's quarters to get rest not knowing there was a beacon that someone had placed underneath the mattress.

General Hux

As you laid yourself down you sensed the beacon as it began to beep & you pulled off all the sheets, lifted the entire mattress & cracked the beacon with the power of your wrist.
You yelled in anger & stopped out of the room going straight to Hux unlatching your lightsaber & igniting it in front of Hux the redness glowing & reflecting off of everything around. "Spying? Helping the Resistance? Is it a lie?! Tell me now or your nothing but a dead man!!!" You yell into his face. "I'm the spy! Ok?!" Hux replies as you lower your lightsaber & turning it off. "You know don't you..." You ask. "No, I don't. I put it in there as soon as Pryde had arrived, I escaped & hid it thinking you wouldn't notice it was their but clearly I was wrong." Hux says. "Consider this between us even." You say as you walk off & Hux sighs as you leave.
As you returned back to the quarters you redid everything you had undone & laid yourself down making sure their was no other trackers or beacons hiding in places that were hard to find but simple to see from afar with the help of the dark side of the force.

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