Chapter Eleven

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Letting Go...

Ajan Kloss

A few weeks later after The Last Jedi

"Ok what now?" Poe asks Finn & the other Resistance fighters standing close by to Poe. "Well, we can't not stand here & do nothing without Rey or Chewie here." Poe says as suddenly the Falcon comes in fast landing next to Poe's X-Wing.
"You were saying?" Finn says. "Finn, don't start this." Poe replies. "Come on, let's go see Y/N." Finn says as Poe sighs & follows Finn to the Falcon.

Rey & Chewie walk off the Falcon without Y/N & the Resistance is concerned about where Y/N is.
"Rey? Chewie? Is everything ok?" Finn asks as Chewie walks past Finn & Poe & Rey hugs Finn. "Rey, where's Y/N?" Poe asks as Rey let's go of Finn. "We couldn't rescue her, Kylo still has her." Rey says. "Rey were running out of time before they strike again, we need Y/N's help." Poe says as Leia walks past Poe. "Poe, please. Give her a break. Rey, did you at least see Y/N?" Leia asks as Rey nods. "Yes, Y/N has changed Leia, I tried to help but it was too late. Y/N is still stuck in Kylo's control. I promise you though, we, yes... The whole Resistance! We will get Y/N back home, no matter how hard it takes we will save the galaxy & return back with Y/N after this approaching war is over." Rey says. "War? Rey, what war?" A fellow Resistance trooper asks. "I felt a feeling in the force that I have never felt before... Leia, Palpatine had returned & I think Kylo & Y/N are working together to form this new group of soldiers going by the name as the Final Order." Rey replies. "Well it better be the final war we ever have to face." Poe says. "Hopefully, but there's no way to know if we can even win this battle." Rey replies. "Rey, be patient, as soon as we know more information than what we already have we will start planning our our fighting preparations, for now, keep a low profile in other galaxies, they may be looking for you." Leia says to the team as they all reply with a slight nod & walk off doing what they were doing before Rey & Chewie came back to the base.

Rey headed down into the woods, BB-8 following behind trying to not get recognized by her but failed in the process when he was rolling over a down tree log that was in his way.
"BB-8, you're not supposed to be scaring people like that, come on, let's head back before anybody else starts to worry about you or me." Rey says as she turns around in her tracks & heads back up towards the base & slowly creeping onto the Falcon & getting things set in the cockpit.
BB-8 sends out a worried, yet curious beep wondering exactly what Rey was planning.
"No BB-8, you're not coming with. This is my mission this time, I need to go alone. It's probably the only chance I'm gonna have to get Y/N back & it's best for me to do it alone. I'll return, I promise." Rey says as BB-8 rolls off the Falcon & Rey shuts the door & fires up the engines.

The other Resistance fighters turn to look at the Falcon curious as to who was flying it & where they were going.
"Whoa! whoa! Whoa! Who's flying that damn piece of junk!" Poe yells running up to the rest of the Resistance that were just watching in awe. "Poe! Have you seen... Rey?" Finn asks. " Wherever she's going, may the force be with her." Poe says as the Falcon jump's to hyperspace & disappears.

Resurgent Class Star Destroyer

"Ben! What happened to you?! What are you not telling me!" You ask as you sit in the cell alone, Kylo standing in front of you staring at you until he finally started to talk.
"I'm sorry but... I made a deal with him. Palpatine, I wasn't gonna have him kill you over nothing." Kylo says. "So you do care." You reply as Kylo nods. "Enjoy your time while it lasts... I'll be back to get you, until then..." Kylo suddenly throws a suit at you & you grab it using the force. "Put that on, it'll make you look like you actually have a purpose here with me." Kylo finishes as he walks off allowing two stormtroopers to stand on each side of the cell wall.

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