Chapter Two

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Traveling through hyperspace you overlook the coordinates on where to go & you find the name of the planet you were traveling to in hyperspace.

Starkiller Base

"Well, that's a name I'm gonna have to get used to. Once I see this planet up close I'll know what Leia meant by it looks like the death star that was destroyed light years ago." You say to yourself.

Jumping out of hyperspace alarms begin to blare in the cockpit.

You look up out the front view of the X-Wing & see 3 resurgent class star destroyers surrounding Starkiller Base.

Just by looking at the size of the planet killer it looked exactly like the death star, just with different modifications to it.

As the alarms continued to blare in the cockpit you pulled back on the steering but it wasn't going anywhere...

You were trapped in a tractor beam.

Knowing this was what was gonna happen, you grabbed your blaster in one hand, & the other had a grip on your saber that was still attached to your belt & you waited until the X-Wing had been parked into the star destroyer's hangar.

When you get out you have a moment to remove your helmet & before you could raise your blaster & your lightsaber stormtroopers surrounded you, blasters raised at you & you were placed in cuffs.

Before they took you to a cell a man in black, with orange red hair approached you.

He placed his hand on your chin & you pushed him away from holding your chin lightly.

"Such power within you... Take her to the interrogation room, he will be with her shortly." The man says walking off.

Stormtroopers grab your arms on both sides & walk you to the interrogation room where you were placed in a chair, cuffs around your arms, & your legs.

They weren't messing around, especially now that they knew you were a Jedi.

You didn't know where your saber or blaster was. A stormtrooper had taken your weapons somewhere you don't even know.

Walking down the corridor with the stormtroopers to the interrogation room you realized how big of a ship you were on.

The corridors felt like they went on forever but you knew they were leading somewhere, you just didn't know where.

Escape pods? Interrogation rooms? Cells? You were clueless.

As you sat in the interrogation room, the two stormtroopers who had led you to the room were in front of you standing on both sides of the door, you wanted to try your Jedi mind trick on them but you knew it wouldn't end well, especially because the hardest thing in Jedi training for you was learning Jedi mind tricks to use of stormtroopers who you knew didn't know how to aim.

At least that's what you knew during the Galactic Empire days, you weren't sure about the First Order stormtroopers, but you thought the same, especially because they were still children under those helmets with no parents to protect them or even save them from doing terrible things.
"Hey bucket head!" You say as one of the stormtroopers looks at you & approaches you while the other one let's out a quiet chuckle under his helmet.
"What did you just call me?" The stormtrooper asks.

He was now right in front of your face, it was a little nerve-wracking to you but you continued to mess with him.
"How about you remove these restraints & we can go out sperate ways huh? How's that sound." You say. "I'll tighten those restraints... You Jedi scum." The stormtrooper replies angrily "Now who you calling Jedi scum bucket head. Do you even know who your talking to!" You say as suddenly the stormtrooper backs away & goes back over to the door to stand.

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