Chapter Ten

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"So, what happened... You can't hide forever." You say as Kylo unlocks the cell block & asks you to step out.

You accept him & walk out of the cell to look up at him. "Snoke wanted you for your power, he wanted you as his own, but he should know... That I am the one that wants you. He forced me to kill you Y/N. I couldn't go through with that happened. So I refused & took you to here. Waiting for you to awake." Kylo says. "Snoke doesn't deserve the power he holds within himself. I'm glad to know you do have a lightness inside of you." You reply. "Don't lecture me about coming to the light. I may have some of that power still with me but that doesn't mean I'll just come back that quickly." Kylo says. "That's why I'm here. To help you come home quicker than you & I think." You say as Kylo takes a long sigh."Let's go. Before we run out of time." Kylo says as Stormtroopers stop by & place cuffs on you.

You follow Kylo with the stormtroopers behind you walking in unison until you reach the hangar where shuttle's we're being boarded with stormtroopers.
"Where are we going? Where are they going?" You ask. "You'll see soon enough." Kylo says as he continues to walk with you until you both reach the control tower looking out at the hangar & the emptiness of space.
"Ren, we've spotted them." General Hux says. "Get this ship through hyperspace. We'll stop them right in our tracks. Y/N. Enjoy the fireworks." Kylo says as he leaves you with Hux heading down the top corridor.
"Ren has great use of you Y/N." Hux says. "Keep me out of this. I didn't come here to be to spoken to every single day." You reply. "How about you tell me what's going on!" You ask of Hux. "You already know." Hux says as the entire Star Destroyer jumps into hyperspace.


Meanwhile on the island Luke continues hide out while Rey flys through hyperspace in the Falcon. "I hope she's ok. We'll head back to base and tell Leia the news." Rey says as suddenly her comms go off.

It was Poe Dameron.m, the best skilled pilot their is for the Resistance.
"Hello?" Rey calls through comms. "Rey it's good to hear you. Don't come back. We're in a situation here. Oh man!" Poe says suddenly. "Poe! Poe! What's going on?!" Rey replies, worried. "Snoke's destroyer. He's here. Rey don't come back. I repeat do not..." Rey turns off comms & jumps out of hyperspace to see the Resistance with their shields activated being fired apon by Star Destroyers.
"Hold on Chewie. This is gonna be a bumpy ride." Rey says as Chewie roars, & the droids screaming.

As soon as the Falcon touched down hard on the destroyer, Rey ran to get her blaster & everything else, Chewie did the same then they ran off the ramp together firing upon stormtroopers, you witnessed it all from the control tower.

Kylo was no longer in the hangar but he was updated & was heading back.
"Their here! Rey! Chewie!" You say as Hux looks at you, you reply by rolling your eyes. "So much hope for two people you think are going to rescue you. Pathetic child. They won't get past them." Hux says as you use the force to grab your lightsaber you were given & split apart the cuffs while injuring yourself in the process. You held in the pain & pointed the saber at Hux.
"Get me down their or else." You say. "You can't be serious." Hux says. "Don't try me." You reply & Hux sighs as he leads you down.

When you get the hangar you let Hux leave & you climbed on board the Falcon prepping the engines.
When it was ready, you called out to Rey & Chewie but was stopped by Kylo. "Ben, please... Let me go. I want to be home." You say. "Stun her." Kylo says to Captain Phasma who just happened to be next to Kylo.

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