Chapter Three

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"We have to go back."

After meeting the stormtrooper that had kindly tried to help you escape but failed in doing so because you just had to go back, something, or someone was telling you to come back.

As the man you had met managed to escape the Star Destroyer that you were left on, he jumped to hyperspace, following the coordinates to the Resistance Base you had given him, now thinking about it you thought that as a bad idea.

But the Resistance knew how to handle stormtroopers, they have delt with them before, some of them, at least.

Flying in a Tie Fighter, he flew into D'Qar's atmosphere just a hear an alarm going off on the comm.
"First Order Tie Fighter entering the atmosphere how do we know we can trust you." Someone over comms asks. "Look, I tried to help this Jedi escape, I don't know her name, but she refused to be rescued. My name is Davidson, I was taken from my family as a child & had been with the First Order until now. You can trust me." Davidson replies.

Davidson was just a backup name of his, his name to the First Order was just a number, so he had to come up with a name & fast, so, he chose Davidson, short for David or Dave.

David better suited him.

"Your clear to enter." The person on comms replies as David lowers the Tie Fighter, & parks it away from the parked X-Wings.

Funny enough, how you were aimed with blasters as soon as you landed on D'Qar, he was aimed with blasters the same way.
"Look, I know things that she had wanted to tell you all but couldn't get in contact with you." David says as Poe looks over at Leia. "General what do you want with him?" A trooper asks. "He's not here to hurt us, he's here to help, put your weapons down, we'll chat inside." Leia says as David follows her & Poe to the briefing room on D'Qar.

"So, Davidson..." Not giving Leia a chance to speak he interrupted not realizing who he's talking to. "Please, call me David." David says. "Of course. David, I am General Leia Organa & this is my Commander, Poe Dameron. The Jedi you ran into & tried to save is Y/N, her mission... Her mission was to rescue my son." Leia says. "Yes, I've heard this from my fellow troopers who had known about you, I've seen him, & so has Y/N. She was interrogated by him, at least once or twice. He knows about the map, & he knows you all have one piece of the map." David says. "Yes, we do. What else do you know?" Poe asks. "I'm supposed to keep this a secret but I won't hide it with you all. I know what the First Order is planning... They..." Out of nowhere an alarm blares & the trooper reports it as soon as he knows.
"General! The Hosian system is lost..." The trooper says. "What could've done that?" A female trooper asks. "Starkiller Base. They wanted to test the weapon, & didn't know when." David says. "It's alright. We just have to make sure this killing machine doesn't destroy any other planets." Poe says taping him on the shoulder & walking past him.


Back on the Star Destroyer you awake not in a interrogation room but in a cell.
"Haha, very funny. You realize I can get out of this mess right! I have friends that will come for me!" You say, your voice echoing down the corridor. "Shut up Jedi scum." A stormtrooper walking past your cell says. "How about you shut up bucket head that can't aim..." You whisper quietly to yourself.

Walking in the small space in the cell you were placed in you saw that your weapons had been taken once again but you still had a weapon on you.

Empress Ren (Kylo Ren X Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें