Chapter Sixteen

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The Past


On the planet of Yavin 4 a few miles out from the Rebel base was Luke Skywalker's school academy training younglings to become Padawans & from that point become Jedi Knights which was many of the kids goals uncertain that it wouldn't be easy to become a Jedi like Luke was at the time.
There were a total of at least 11 younglings, one's name was Voe, a quiet older youngling at the time... Hennix, an alien creature who was interested in connecting with the Holocron, & Tai who was originally born bald but that didn't stop him from wanting to lead & be a ruler over the Younglings, he had a goal to be the best of the best, but his friends, Hennix & Voe, didn't think that, Voe especially.
Ben Solo joined the group later on because of skills he already had encountered within the force with Smoke at the time who Luke didn't know about at the time of his training. "Younglings, gather around, I want to introduce you all to our new recruit, everyone, this is Ben Solo, son of Leia Organa & Han Solo, we begin training early morning tomorrow, remember to be in uniform." Luke says as the Younglings smile at Ben, all but Voe who was getting jealous because of what Luke had told her about him. Ben walked into the crowd of younglings looking for connections with the others & then their was Tai, running straight up to Ben making himself stand out in the crowd. "Hey, you're the new kid, Luke has told us great things about you, you come from an important family Ben Solo." Tai says. "Please, call me Ben." Ben says. "Yeah, sure of course, not everyone is all to pleased that you're here." Tai says. "What do you mean?" Ben asks. "Well, Luke told us how you know a bit more about Jedi training than we do & the girl over there with her gray hair put up nicely? That's Voe, & she's a bit jealous of you but don't let her get to you. So, where are you staying, we all have our barracks somewhere around this school." Tai asks as Ben points to a small barrack outside of the main academy building. "Nice, Luke gave you front row seating! You'll be the first one there everyday!" Tai says. "Thanks, really, it's not that big of a deal." Ben replies. "That's alright, I understand as well as you do. I'm exciting for when we get to pick out our own lightsabers & build them like Master Luke does." Tai says as Ben nods. "I'll see you around Tai, I'll see you tomorrow at training." Ben says as he walks off towards the academy. "Yeah, see you tomorrow!" Tai yells back at him as he walks away.

Ben walks into the academy that was laid out similarly to the Jedi Temple that burnt down on Courasant, Ben continued roaming around exploring the Temple until something caught his eyes off guard.
Inside a locked room on the main floor of the temple was hard brown wooden boxes, Ben wanted to the use the force to open the door but he knew he shouldn't, he had a good feeling what we're in those boxes & it was indeed their lightsabers all alone in one room in separate boxes, Ben quickly turned & headed back out until R2 D2, Luke's helpful droid stopped him halfway out the door beeping at him in a language he had not known. "I'm sorry, I'm not sure what your trying to tell me." Ben says looking down & him & then looking back up to see Luke Skywalker who didn't look to pleased to see Ben in the Temple. "Ben, what are you doing in the Temple?" Luke asks. "Sorry Master Luke, I just got curious about what was inside." Ben replies as Luke gets down onto his level. "Ben, it's ok. Come on, I'll show you around." Luke says getting back up & taking Ben on a tour around the whole Temple not realizing that Voe was outside the Temple staring at Ben watching his every move & her chance to be better than him.
"Master Luke, I passed by this room & couldn't help but look at what was inside, I wanted to use the force to unlock the door but I didn't want you to find out." Ben says. "It's alright Ben, that room in there, is where you're lightsabers are, you wanna take a sneak peek at yours?" Luke asks as Ben's face lights up with joy. "I'd love to Master!" Ben replies excited.
Luke unlocked the door using the force & walked over to one of the boxes that had Ben Solo on the top of it. Luke grabbed the saber & got down so he could be level with Ben showing him his saber.

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