Chapter Nine

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The Power of The Darkside

When you awoke, you felt you were trapped, no one was around, & all you saw was yourself reflecting in every mirror you saw until you as someone who you did not want to become.

You saw yourself in Imperial First Order armor wearing a cape with First Order markings & a scar that ran across the side of your mouth, you wondered how you could have received that, then you thought that you could have gained it after being tortured... You walked around in a circle looking at yourself over & over until you saw the same reflection of your dark self in every mirror.
You paused in your footsteps & closed your eyes hoping to wake up, you didn't, there was something you had to do.

You looked at yourself seeing that your lightsaber was hanging off the side of your belt buckle, you unlatched it & held it up to your chest, your eyes reflecting the blade.

You sent the saber into one of the mirrors making every single one shatter sending shards at you & before they came close you awoke, scared, & horrified.
You looked up seeing Kylo still standing their beside you, his helmet removed.
"How long was I out?" You ask. "Long enough... I'm sure you now understand... Don't you?" Kylo asks as you sigh, lowering your head. "It was strange... Just mirrors of my reflection, becoming who I'm meant to be, what I will look like, who I will be ruling beside... I don't know what to do with myself..." You reply. "Set yourself free, break away from the restraints & attack your enemies." Kylo replies. "Their my friends... My, family... I can't turn my back on them..." You say as Kylo ajusts his posture. "You know who they are to you. But does your real self behind that thick layer of hope, does that part of you know who they are?" Kylo asks as you take a deep breath in & out & shake your head, no. "Come at me Y/N... Do it. Don't be afraid, I feel it too." Kylo says as you look up with him, your eyes gleaming brightly. "You really like to talk don't you? How about I change that!" You say jumping to your feet, your body aching but willing to give into a fight. You quickly grab a hold of Kylo's lightsaber, welding it like it belonged to you.
"I see great fear in you, but also great anger." Kylo says paching slowly around you, you following his every step & movement. "When that's what happens when your totured by someone you wanna kill." You reply fiercely. "Kill me?! Please, you ain't got the nerve." Kylo says. "Try me... Come at me. Grab me by my neck & destroy me. You wouldn't do it even if you had wanted to or had orders to. Get on your knees." You ask of him, he continues to stand. "Get on... Your knees!" You shout & Kylo grins. "Put it down. Trust me, you don't wanna do it. Come with me. You wanna know who the Supreme Leader is? Come along." Kylo says as you clip his lightsaber onto your belt after unigniting it & following closely beside him, your hand gripped around his lightsaber hilt.

Continuing to walk with him down the extended corridor you come to a halt where you got on an elevator where you stood closely behind Kylo who was ready to turn around & stop you from removing his lightsaber from your belt.

As much as you wanted to end him there & now, you refused as your mind was still deciding on the best idea & the best side to choose.

What was best for you is what you focused mainly on instead of others that wanted something different than what you are thinking as the best option, the galaxy is a big place but has a difficult choice when it comes to choosing sides.
"Don't do it. I know you wouldn't, your still afraid. I'm the same way, & he's here to help me... & Now you." Kylo says as suddenly your comm that was on your wrist still activated beeping.

You unstrapped it from your arm, threw it to the ground, shattering pieces of it over the floor.

When the elevator had come to a stop you & Kylo marched forward, Kylo kneeled, you stood still, facing the Supreme Leader.
"Ren, well done. Never thought you could get through to her. Your a tough one Y/N." Snoke, the Supreme Leader says. "How do you know me?" You ask firmly. "Well, haha... I trained you... How the turntables. Things have happened, & you weren't around to see it, now, you will understand." Snoke says using his power against you pulling you close to him, your mind entered his & the lights began to flash.

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