Chapter Nineteen

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Telling The Truth

"Y/N, tell me the truth, are you still with the First Order." Ben asks you again. "Ben. You have to promise you me you keep this matter only between the both of us. No one else needs to know... Yes, Ben, I am still working for them, their leader is gone & I took his place, the reason why I was gone that one time on Naboo was because I needed to see the First Order & stay in contact with them, check in on them as I did with you." You say. "Why didn't you tell me Y/N?" Ben says as you lower your head & look down. "Hey, Ben, you got a second?" A trooper asks walking up to him. He replied with a nod & followed the trooper that led him to Leia who was by Poe, Finn, & Rey. "Ben, we needed to talk to you. It's nothing personal about you... It's about Y/N, we remember one of the troopers saying that it's possible that Y/N is spying on us & is still with the First Order. We need to know if she's lying or telling the truth." Poe says. "Ben, you have to tell them or we'll end finding out on our own by seeing that they attacked us." Leia says. "Well, the only truth that I know from her is that she's not only pregnant... With our child. She's married." Ben says as Rey looks shocked. "Your the baby daddy of her child?" Leia asks. "Yes, I don't know when she is due but I'll be right there with her when she has our baby. I promised her that on Naboo." Ben says. "What were you doing on Naboo?" Finn asks. "Finding a home away from home is what you could say." Ben says as Leia nods. "Is Y/N still up?" Leia asks. "Yeah, I just talked with her, yeah, she's up." Ben replies as Leia acknowledged him & walked towards the Medical Bay to see that Y/N, wasn't around anymore. "General, she just left." A trooper says. "Where'd she go? Did her you see her?" Leia asks as she feels a tap on her shoulder & turns around to see you smiling brightly. "There you are, I've been looking for you. You have a moment to talk, Ben told us about your story with him." Leia says. "Yeah, we can talk, lead the way General." You say as she walks over to closed crates carrying weaponry & sat down with you beside her.
"You really married him?" Leia asks. "Yes, & no. He proposed to me on Naboo & we haven't planned out all of our wedding plans yet because of what happened to the both of us on Jakku, crash landing into the desert." You say. "Well, he's a good man for you. You deserve him. Secondly, I wanted to ask you... I know you're getting a lot of pressure on this small question but is it true? Are you only back here to return Ben & then return to the First Order?" Leia asks. "Leia, I wish I could tell you the truth but I just can't. If I tell you or any of the Resistance, they'll kill me for my disloyalty." You say. "Who would kill you?" Leia asks. "Ok, look. I've told Ben the truth, & he knows but no one else can know, I can't tell you who will kill me, if I'm still with the First Order, I can't say anything." You say. "How long have you hid this from us?" Leia asks. "Ever since I was captured by Kylo." You say. "Well... I'll keep in touch." Leia finished as she patted you on the shoulder & walked away.

After the short discussion you had with the General you grabbed Ben's hand & walked him with you until you found a spot where no one was around. "Y/N? What are you doing?!" Ben asks. "I needed to talk to you... Alone. Remember what I told you in the Medical Bay?" You ask. "Yeah about how your still with them? Yeah, I remember." Ben replies. "Well, I can only tell you this... No one else, not even the General, we just talked with each other about it & I told her everything I know & didn't say anything about me still being with the Order. Apparently if I tell or you tell anyone about my commitment to the First Order I will be killed. Either by Allegiant General Pryde or possibly even Captain Phasma, a female commander of the new recruits & other troopers." You say. "So, what do want me to do? & Why didn't you tell me you were gonna be killed if you didn't follow your orders?" Ben asks. "Ben, I want you to be quiet, no talk about me & the First Order, that is my own problem, no one else's & I didn't tell you because it wasn't a good time & I wasn't sure how'd you react if I told you." You say as Ben looks off & then back at you. "When do they want you back?" Ben asks. "Until I've gathered enough info from the Resistance there's no reason for me to return to my station on the Destroyer." You reply. "What about our wedding... The baby?" Ben asks. "That's why I'm trying to limit the amount of information I gain each day, week, & month so I don't have to return until after our wedding & after I have our child. Ben, when I go... I want you to take care of our child." You say. "How long will you be gone?" Ben asks as you shrug your shoulders. "That's unknown at the moment. I'll keep you informed just don't inform anyone else. Go on, head back, they need you." You say as Ben kisses your cheek & runs back to the base leaving you alone.
"Y/N? You there?" Someone calls over your comm device that had bad interference with the other person. "It's me, you gotta give me more time Allegiant General." You say. "Time you do not have much left of. Return before the week ends or I send Destroyers to your location & obliterate the planet. Do not fail me Y/N." Pryde finishes as you turn off the comm.

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