Chapter Four

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A Gift

"Don't hide... You know..."

You paused in your words suddenly & you couldn't feel anything in your bones.

"What... Are... You... Doing?" You ask gasping for air.
"You know of the escaped trooper,  disobeyed orders, & now, he's with the Resistance, isn't he?" Ben says. "I will become the Supreme Leader, & you will be my Empress... Or I will kill you along with the Resistance. I am Kylo Ren. Ben Solo is dead. I know you were sent here on a mission. A mission to retrieve Ben Solo. He's gone Y/N. I am in charge now. Your mission is to retrieve that trooper, return him alive & I will make you a deal. Do not accept & I will kill you with the dark side of the force." Kylo says as he releases you & you collapse to the ground choking from the strength he had put upon your neck.
"Do we have an agreement?" Kylo asks as you look up at him as soon as you catch your breath.

You nod slightly & get to your feet.

"Put that on. Troopers are waiting for you in the hangar." Kylo says as he walks out of the cell & you slip on the dark black trooper uniform he had given you & walked out making your way to the hangar.

You didn't know why he had given you the armor, was it to show you something about the First Order? Did this mean something? Or was it a gift?
If it was a gift then of what? Strength? Power?

When you had finished getting the armor on you walked out of the cell that was left open after Kylo had left & you carried your helmet in your right hand as you made your way to the hangar on the Star Destroyer where you were introduced to your crew of soldiers.

"Good to see you commander." A female trooper says under her helmet.

They were all wearing the same black armor you were wearing so it was hard to find out who exactly was talking but it was easy for you saying that you were still a Jedi dressed like a stormtrooper.

"Commander?" You ask. "Yes, Commander. You have been ranked the rate of Commander & these four soldiers here are your soldiers. You will take them to the Resistance Base with you & you all will destroy everything in your path until you reach that solider that disobeyed his orders. Bring him back alive & Ren has a deal to make with you."

It was a woman wearing silver stormtrooper armor & a black cape with a thin red stripe on it.

"& Who are you? If I may ask?" You ask. "I am Captain Phasma. I have trained these troopers well, & now, they take orders from you." Phasma says. "You do realize your dealing with a Jedi right?" You say. "Yes, that's why we have placed trackers on you & your soldiers. If things get messy, take this." Phasma says opening a box for you that had a different lightsaber that was not your's inside.

You grabbed it & held it up above your waist & ignited it.

A red light beamed out of it making crackling sounds often.
"Only. If things get messy." Phasma repeats as you turn off the saber & place on your belt beside the blaster they had given you.
"Good luck." Phasma says as you acknowledge her with a nod & get into the ship with your crew getting themselves buckled in the back of the ship.

You were alone in the cockpit & you began typing the coordinates to the base in.
"Guys, & girls. When we get there wait for my signal. I will leave the ship first I will radio into your comms when it's time. Got it soldiers?" You ask. "Yes Ma'am!" They all reply strongly.

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