Chapter Eighteen

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Ajan Kloss

"Hey General, any ideas on how exactly we should attack the First Order." Poe asks with Leia nowhere in sight. "General?" Poe asks again. "Chill out Poe, she's working on other things with the troops, they needed her help on something too, don't worry, she'll get to you." Finn says walking up to Poe. "Well, how should..." Poe was interrupted by a signal that was blinking on the scanners. "What is it?" Poe asks. "It's a transmission from... Y/N?" Finn says as Rey hears Finn & goes running towards the screen to see what Finn is seeing. "Y/N? She's alive..." Rey says. "Where is she?" Poe asks. "No way to know but she did send out a transmission, to the General." Finn says as Rey finds Leia scouting around the base & walks over to her. "Rey, it's good to see you." Leia says. "I'm happy to see you too General, Finn found a transmission from Y/N, it's for you." Rey says. "Show me." Leia says as Rey replies with a nod & walks her over the the screen. "Go ahead Finn, play it." Rey says.

Meanwhile in the middle of nowhere in the galaxy travelling through hyperspace Y/N & Ben sat in to cockpit together, Ben piloting the ship that was cruising calmly & being manually controlled by autopilot. "Y/N?" Ben asks. "Yeah, what's up?" You reply. "Do you think the Resistance got your transmission? I know you told me how the Resistance couldn't get in contact with anyone during the battle on Crait." Ben says. "That was years ago Ben, I'm sure they received our message, not they, I meant Leia of course." You say. "Yeah, I hope everything is going well down there." Ben says. "I hope so too, I really do miss my friends." You say. "I miss em' too Y/N, we'll be their..." Ben paused himself as alarms blared loudly all across the screens in the cockpit. "What's going on?!" You ask. "We've crashed out of hyperspace, it's not affecting us at the moment, buckle up." Ben says as he takes control of the ship & tries to pull it back up before it crashes into an unknown planet. "Ben!" You scream. "Hold on! It's gonna be hard!" Ben shouts back as the ship enters the planets atmosphere & in seconds crashes mode down into the ground.

Ajan Kloss

"General Leia Organa, I am returning back to Ajan Kloss, I completed the mission General Leia... Ben Solo is coming home with me. There's a lot I have to catch you up on but I can't wait to come home to you & my friends." You say over the transmission & then everything goes blank. "Is there anything else she sent us?" Rey asks. "Unfortunately no." Finn replies. "Is there anyway to track her location?" Leia asks. "Possibly but it'll take some time I'll let both of you know when I find something." Finn says as he scrambles to find a way to track your location through hyperspace.
"Rey, can I speak with you, alone?" Leia asks. "If course, what's going on?" Rey asks. "Rey, I felt Ben & Y/N through the force, something's wrong Rey." Leia says. "You don't think they?" Rey asks. "I don't know but the feeling I felt did not feel good." Leia says as Rey begins to get nervous. "Rey! General Leia! Come look!" Finn calls. "Well I guess we'll find out what happened to them together." Rey says as Leia nods & both of them run up to Finn who found your location. "It's not good news General... They've crashed and landed somewhere before entering the Outer Rim where we are. They sure were close to us." Finn says. "So where are they?" Rey asks. "They're on Jakku, right now, on the edge of entering the Outer Rim." Finn says. "Rey, you know your way around that planet pretty easily, you wanna go looking for them?" Poe asks. "It's the Generals choice Poe." Rey says. "Rey, go to Jakku, take Finn with you, we'll stay in contact with you & the Falcon." Leia says as Finn & Rey nod & run off towards the Falcon with BB-8 catching up with them.


The ship was nose down in the thick sand that was holding the ship still in place for the moment & Ben & Y/N we're knocked out badly.
Ben was the first who woke up in shock looking for you who was still in the co-pilot seat unstrapped from the seat seeing that you didn't have enough reaction time to put it on, the straps were over your shoulders you just couldn't clip it in when crashing. "Y/N? You ok?" Ben asks nugging your shoulder to see if you would respond.

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