Chapter Fifteen

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Finding Home

Still on Naboo, you & Kylo came across another dusty room that was a bedroom, all the furniture was covered in wrappings to avoid dust & possible mold that could grow within the furniture. "Well if we're staying here for a night or whatever we better get this place clean." You say as you start grabbing the wrappings & pulling them off the furniture.
Working together you coughed & had to grab some air every few moments but once everything was unwrapped & taken care of the area looked brand new.

One singular Queen sized bed, walk in closet, nightstands on both sides of the bed, nearby chair & desk, & a corner couch.
"This place never deserved this war, they did nothing wrong." You say. "No, they didn't, they attacked without warning." Kylo replies adding on to what you were saying. "So, we clearly cleaned this place up for a reason. A good reason right? You said we were looking for a home meaning to me living somewhere calling it home." You say as Kylo nods. "Y/N. I know this place isn't perfect but I don't what them to know about our secret & moments we have together, alone. I want you to have the baby here & we'll go from there. I'll be coming & going from here to the ship, I have to still have to watch over them, even as a Supreme Leader, so, will this work?" Kylo asks as you get closer to him until your stomach touches his. "Promise me this... Don't leave without letting me know & second, promise me... Promise me you will be by my side." You say. "Of course my darling, I'll be right back here, get yourself comfortable I have to head back to the Destroyer, I promised them as well that I wouldn't be gone long." Kylo says as he kisses your forehead, you roll your eyes, & he walks off back towards the shuttle to take him back to the Destroyer.
As he left you sat yourself down on the couch & felt your power go weak, you knew Rey was interfering with you again & you couldn't find a locked door to lock her behind in your mind so you did the only thing you could do... Let her in.

Ren's Destroyer

As Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren & Master of the Knights of Ren deboarded the shuttle from Naboo he headed up to main observation deck to see a face he wasn't expecting to see. "Allegiant General Pryde, pleased to see you here." Ren says. "It's a pleasure seeing you here Supreme Leader, the Resistance has retreated as we have as well, we have no further use of your time & efforts you have put into the Final Order, we'll keep in touch with your fighting methods & tactics as you continue to battle the Resistance scums." Pryde says. "General, I thought we talked about this, that we would let the Final Order do the work & destroy the Resistance, not have them retreat... These aren't your orders." Kylo asks. "Glad to see you've caught on, this whole idea didn't come from me, it came from Palpatine, he gave us our orders, not you." Pryde says as Kylo gets furious with him. "That wasn't the plan!" Kylo shouts back at him. "No. My work with you is now done. Also, I took care of the spy in your ranks, General Hux, he's always a terrible lying brat..." Pryde finishes as he walks away leaving Kylo in furious fury & shock.

Kylo you stood there for a moment until he sensed the First Order Officers looking at him. "Get back to work!" Kylo says as he stomps out of the area, going into the control panel room down the hall igniting his lightsaber & slashing it left & right across the screens screaming in anger until he turned off his lightsaber & tilted his head slightly to see a First Order Officer standing close waiting to inform him. "Supreme Leader, we've detected a Resistance fighter approaching." The Officer informs as Kylo walks back to the main bridge. "Guns & shield's in attack mode, shall we fire?" A Officer asks. "A single light X-Wing. Don't fire, patch him through." Kylo orders. "Hello this Commander Poe Dameron of the Resistance fleet ordering you to return our kidnapped friend."Poe says. "Commander, if you're really wanting Y/N back, you'll have to put up a fight, & with the amount of Resistance fighters you have left remaining after the battle on Exegol, I don't think you & your team can handle taking us on." Kylo replies. "We have Jedi, & other friends to call upon." Poe says. "You've tried before, you got no response during the battle on Crait, you failed against us during that duration. You may think we lost, but we didn't & we will not fail. You can't stop the First Order! Admit it Commander!" Kylo replies strongly as Kylo storms off & the Officers turn him off of comms.

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