Chapter Twenty Two

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On Ajan Kloss everything was quiet until trouble struck between you & Rey & then you & Ben both of you realizing that you're water broke, you both rushed to the medical bay, nurses took you to the delivery room Ben following close behind you as the nurses placed you in a wheelchair & got you onto the bed.
"Ok, the doctor will be here as soon as she possibly can, currently you are 9 meters dialted so until you reach 10 we can not have you push, we do not want you to tear & we want to keep you from getting any more treatment, we'll give you some oxygen to help with the pain but I can't promise it'll help with all of it, just breathe through your mouth & nose & we'll stay right here with you." One of the nurses says as you struggle through the contractions that were was worse than they were before the past couple of weeks. "Y/N, I'm here, we'll see our daughter soon, just keep calm, you'll get through it." Ben says as the nurses lift your legs & check how many centimeters dialted you were. "Ok, your getting close to 10 so..." The nurse paused as the doctor rushed in with another doctor & two more nurses. "Hello Y/N, looks like it's time for you to have your baby! I know you may be scared & hurting but we're here to help. How many centimeters is she?" The doctor asks the nurse closest to her. "She's at 9 but I just checked & she's at 10 so we're ready to go if she's ready." The nurse replies. "Ok, Y/N, we're all good to go, your baby is in the right spot & facing the right way so what I need you to do is breathe in through your nose & mouth & push as hard as you can for 10 seconds we'll count down for you. Ready?" The doctor asks as you nod weakly. "Ok 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Ok deep breath go again, 1. 2..." & Etc...
You pushed & yelled out in agony concerning fellow Resistance fighters that could hear you from a long distance, the pain was hard for you to bare over the two to three hours that you pushed but after that long lasting time the baby was out.

Everything & everyone was quite when she came into the world, she wasn't breathing & you experienced the hardest moment of your life... The nurses taking away your daughter & putting her on oxygen. "Is she ok? Please, tell me, is she ok?!" Ben asks as you begin to cry.
After the nurses give her oxygen the room lit up with joy from everyone's facing, your baby began crying loudly & you laughed & cried happy tears.
"Ok, she's ok. They're just gonna clean her up & the nurse will give her back to me or you, you wanna hold her? Or me?" Ben asks. "Me, please." You say. "Ok. You did a good job, I'm proud of you." Ben says as you nod.

You were tired enough after what you went through & you wanted to rest but you wanted to see your baby before you slept. "Ok, here she is." The nurse says handing you your baby, her eyes were bright blue & looking into your eyes. "Can she see us?" Ben asks one of the nurses. "She can, she can see Y/N, & you. She's beautiful. I'll give you both some time together alone." The nurse says walking out with everyone else. "Hey, I'm glad you're here, I don't know if you can hear me but I'm Y/N, your Mom, Momma, & that's Ben, he's your Dad, Dadda." You say to your daughter. "You wanna go see Dad? Ok, here Ben." You say handing her over to Ben who picked her up gently & say down rocking her slowly in his arms & then Ben felt a cold finger grab his finger, she grabbed onto Ben's finger & held it tight. "Ben, can you take care of her? I really need rest." You say as Ben nods, lays her down in her small bin the nurses sat out & comforted you until you feel asleep & even began to snore.
"Hush little darling don't you cry, momma is gonna wake up sooner or later, I'm here to comfort you, until you fall asleep. Sorry baby girl, not much of a singer than I am a flyer." Ben says as the baby falls asleep again, you still sound asleep.
Later on Ben ended up passing out in the chair & was woken by the baby crying that didn't just wake Ben up, but woke you up too. "Ben?" You ask. "I'm here, don't worry I'm taking care of her, get some rest, just try not to sleep the whole time." Ben says as he goes to pick up his & your daughter & as he walks over he looks out of into the galaxy seeing two Star destroyers getting closer to the planet they were on.

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