Chapter Twenty

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The War, Is Just Beginning

Pryde's Destroyer

On the destroyer hovering high over the Outer Rim Allegiant General Pryde stood on the bridge looking out at the empty galaxy around, his hope, to kill the Resistance & get what he wants in return.
"Allegiant General, the two fighter pilots we had sent out in the Tie Fighters have been taken down by their Resistance forces. Shall we send in more troops?" An Officer walks up asking. "That was only Y/N's first warning. If she disobeys her orders again we will start our attack on the Resistance." Pryde replies. "Yes, Allegiant General." The Officer finishes as he walks off & returns to his station. "Your time is ticking Y/N. Tick, tock." Pryde says silently to himself.

Ajan Kloss

Back at the Resistance base Ben played with Chewbacca in the Falcon on the gaming board & you had joined in for a little while until you decided to go off & do your own thing which was walking into the forest with Rey on the training course training & you watching her off & on.
"You're getting better at that training." You say giving Try a compliment. "Thanks Y/N, when I started this whole course at the very start of the war it was difficult, but now, with time, effort, & practice, I'm getting through the course faster than I did. You wanna give it a try?" Rey asks. "Nah, I'm good, I'll do it when I don't have extra weight on by body." You say. "Yeah, right of course. Don't wanna harm the child. I've heard that you & Ben come around this area a lot, have you decided on a name for your baby?" Rey asks. "Yeah we did. We're gonna call her Allana. We wanted a name that was similar to Leia's just a bit different & Ben chose that name, not me." You say. "Well it's a good name for a baby girl. Well, catch up with you later?" Rey asks. "Yeah, sure. Where you wanna meet up?" You ask as Rey turns off her lightsaber on clips it onto her belt. "See up their, where the Tantive 4? Meet me up there when I get back." Rey says. "Where are you going?" You ask. "I wanted to take Ben on a flying lesson in the Falcon, I'm sure he already knows how to fly it but wanted to give him some practice with it saying that it is quite older now than it was when he was young. You wanna tag along? Chewie is coming with as well." Rey says. "I'd love to go, I'll be in just a moment." You reply as Rey nods & walks off heading towards the Falcon.

As you started heading your way towards the Falcon a sharp pain caused you to stop in your tracks, you thought it was someone communicating through the force with you. You were wrong, it was the baby, kicking & making you have contractions.
The pain was easy to handle until it was too much pain for the few minutes it lasted & you landed knees first on the ground your hands clutched around your stomach.
"Guy's where's Y/N?" Ben asks as he gets settled into the cockpit of the Falcon. "She's on her way, she'll be here." Rey says. "You sure? It's been awhile." Ben says. "Alright, I'll go try & find where she's at, Chewie, don't let Ben touch anything in there." Rey says as Chewie replies with a growl. Rey exited the Falcon & on her way back to where she came from she found you laid out in the grass & she ran to Poe & asked for assistance from him. "Alrighty, on three?" Poe asks. "On three. One, two... Three!" Rey says as they lift you into their arms & carry you over to the Medical Bay to lay you down. "What's going on?" The Medical assistant asks. "We found Y/N out in the forest, looked like she passed out." Rey says as the assistant nods & Rey & Poe leave you be with the nurse. "Y/N, your always getting yourself into trouble. You wanna wake up & tell me what happened?" The nurse asks as you hear her voice & wake up. "I was heading towards the Falcon to go on flight with Ben, Rey, & Chewie when I felt my body go tight, it was a sharp pain that was going through my stomach at the time & it was the baby, kicking & giving me bad contractions." You say. "Alright, how long do you think the contractions that you had lasted?" The nurse asked. "About a couple seconds possibly a minute, I wasn't focused on counting the seconds." You say. "That's alright. I'm just gonna scan your stomach to make sure the baby is ok & I'll send you on your way, just try to take it easy, the more months that pass the harder it is for you to do things but you have about 5 months until you have your baby unless you have it early but you should be fine until then just keep track of those contractions for me." The nurse says as you reply with a nod.
"So, you'd find her?" Ben asks as Rey walks back into the Falcon. "Yeah, I found her. She dealt with her first contraction along her pregnancy, your gonna be a great father to Analla." Rey says as Ben looks at her questioning what she said. "She told you?" Ben asks. "Yup, told me when I finished up on the training course. Alright, I trust you so whenever you're ready." Rey says. "Give me one second, I'll be back, promise. I gotta see Y/N." Ben says as Rey rolls her eyes as Ben leaves the cockpit & walks over to the Medical Bay to see you getting up & walking out. "Hey, you ok? Rey told me about what happened." Ben asks. "I'm fine really, just dealing with the struggle as I get further into my pregnancy. I thought you would've been gone by now but apparently not." You say. "I was just heading out, wanted to say bye." Ben says as you smile & he smiles back as he returns to the Falcon.
"Aren't you coming? I remember Rey had asked you if you had wanted to tag along." Ben asks. "A a seat?" You ask. "There's plenty of room onboard for all of us. Come on, I'll take it smooth." Ben says as you climb onboard with him. "Y/N, good to see you onboard with us, Ben, feel free to takeoff." Rey says as you strap yourself in & Ben lightly lifts the Falcon up keeping it smooth & rising into the clouds & soaring over the planet of Ajan Kloss.
"How long had you done flying training with your Dad in your younger years? Did he even have the Falcon at the time?" Rey asks. "He did have the Falcon when I was around I practiced with him just him & me flying the ship, he taught me everything I could learn how to do on his ship even rewire parts if something were to go wrong. We did that for a couple years until I left with Luke to go train with him." Ben replied. "Well. I'm sorry about Han, I wish he could be here with us." Rey says as Ben nods. "You wanna let me jump to hyperspace?" Ben asks. "You know where you wanna go? Type on the coordinates & we'll go, just let's try not to get ourselves into a space battle with the First Order." Rey says as Ben finishes up putting in the coordinates to Batuu, a off world planet full of life & excitement.
Ben jumped the Falcon into hyperspace & watched onward watching the blue sky fade back to the dark galaxy sky. "Alright, prepare for a landing, we should be cleared to land on the town's landing pad so take it cautious on the way down, don't wanna hit anything." Rey says as he sends the Falcon into the atmosphere of the planet & lands close to the city market which was a walk away from where they were. "Alright, should we explore or head back?" You ask. "It's up to Ben, watcha up to doing Ben?" Rey asks. "Y/N, & me will go, Chewie, Rey. Sorry, want a solo trip with her here." Ben says as he climbs out of the seat & walks with you out to door after having to return to the cockpit to open the door.

When you both exited the Falcon you looked up & down, left & right until you found a nearby outpost selling blue & green milk. "Hey, Ben, come look at this. They've only got two flavors but they look delicious." You say. "I'll get em'for us, go explore, I'll catch up." Ben says. "No, I think I'll stay. For now." You say as Ben smiles, orders two blue milks for himself & you. "Mhm, there's a weird after taste but other than that I enjoy it." You say as you continue drinking the milk. "I agree with you on that one, you wanna give green a try?" Ben asks as you immediately shook your head no. "I've heard rumors that green milk tastes way worse than anything else, barely anyone in the galaxy gets them." You say as Ben chuckles. "Come on, I saw a workshop not to far from here, looked promising." Ben says. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" You say as you take the lead not knowing where your going. "Maybe, I should stick with you." You say as Ben rolls his eyes & you slow down until your shoulder to shoulder with him.
In the workshop Ben & you found old relics including a few Loth cats for sale, lightsabers that were being sold, you one's, of course, & a few jewelry & accessorie items. "Well, I'm glad these people didn't go out on the hunt in the galaxy & found real lightsabers, that wouldn't be good for the children that come by this planet with their family or families." You say. "Yeah, we don't want anyone else getting hurt by a lightsaber incident." Ben says. "Have you witnessed a lightsaber incident?!" You ask in shock. "Yes, I have, during my training someone... Better not tell you, let's just say it didn't end well for him." Ben says as you nod. "Should we head back?" You ask. "& Now it's up to you to make that decision." Ben says. "Well? Do you want to head back? Now it's up to you again." You say as you both laugh. "Alright, we'll head back, I'm sure we'll be back here sooner than later." Ben says as you nod & look back as Ben gets onto the Falcon before you.
When you get on you sit down with Chewie who joined you & played galaxy games while Rey kept a close eye on Ben as he carefully flew the Falcon. "Alright, you go first." You say to Chewie as he looks at the creatures & then hits the button to strike. "Nice move, my turn." You say as Chewie growls & you smile back at him. You execute your decision & take down both of Chewbaccas creatures & win the game fair & square.

Chewie roared loudly at you & you & him got into a argumentative speech about how to play & how exactly it's fair.
"Guy's, we're coming back into Ajan Kloss, we'll be jumping out of hyperspace in a few minutes, better get yourselves buckled in up here." Ben says over the speakers on the ship. "You go, I'll be there, I just gotta turn this off." You say as Chewie roars & walks towards the cockpit. When he was out of sight you sat down & played one of ast round but couldn't because you felt a strange pull in the force, it scared you, you felt the First Order nearing Ajan Kloss & feared for the worst, you looked up after having that moment & you saw Rey, standing in front of you. "Rey? Oh, sorry, I'll head to the cockpit." You say. "Woah, wait a minute Y/N. Did you feel the pull? Don't worry I felt it too. I think there coming after us on our base as they did on D'Qar." Rey says. "What do we do?" You ask. "We get back down to. Ajan Kloss & inform the Resistance & the General & then it they're already their before us then we'll use what we have & put Ben to the test against Tie Fighters." Rey says. "You want to involve him in dogfighting?! Rey, that's too dangerous!" You say. "We may not have a choice Y/N, we're not gonna let the First Order destroy our base again..." Rey says as you look down, your hands resting on your stomach that was showing more & more.
"Let's go get em'." You say as Rey nods as the Falcon rumbles as it jumps out of hyperspace.
After getting the Falcon through the jump everyone on board was greeted with a surprise waiting for them.

The First Order & the Final Order

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