
"Kojima-san..." You sighed, looking up at him grin as he nodded to let you sit back.

"It also hurts less when your arms are buff Oikawa! You'll still feel stinging but not as bad. Four, down."

You hummed, standing up as you ignored the tingling all over your body.

"Go drink some water before joining back in."

You nodded, making a mental note to yourself to not try and slack off during drills anymore.

That was torture

You sighed, taking a quick sip of your water as you ignored the remaining tingles bouncing around in your body, as well as the cramps threatening to hold you down.

"Let's get it, let's go." You said, trying to encourage yourself but quickly losing the attitude when you turned to see the drills again, already dreading them.


"Ushi-san~" You said with as much energy as your body allowed you to.

Ushijima raised a brow at you, looking you over once as he hummed. "Do you want a piggyback ride Y/N-chan?"

You smiled at him weakly, beginning to nod before stopping yourself. "Wait-no, I'm cuffed up now... I think... and I can't do that when I'm cuffed up." You muttered, convincing yourself you didn't need that piggyback ride.

It wasn't like your legs were basically shaking, or your cramps had gotten ten times worse making your lower body hurt with every move.

Definitely not.


"You know, I'm sure he won't mind." You concluded, softly waving Ushijima over as he crouched down to let you sit on his back.

You let out a sigh when you had fully sat down, clinging to his shoulders as you rested on his back, a wave of relief flowing through you.

"Lucky bastard." Kaneko lightly snickered, looking up at you with equally tired eyes as you hummed, not enough energy to say anything more.

You glanced to the side, walking down the ever familiar paths of Itachiyama towards the cafeteria, catching a small whiff of what you'd hoped to be dinner.

"I'm tired." You mumbled, hiding your face behind your arms as you blocked out the rays of the sunset blinding you occasionally.

"Don't fall asleep Y/N-chan, we're almost-" Ushijima began, stopping when he heard your faint snoring, your body finally loosening up as he glanced back at you.

He looked at Kaneko, nodding his eyes towards you as she stepped up, slightly raising your arms to see your face before softly letting it down.

She nodded. "She's asleep."

Ushijima's eyes widened, glancing back at you one more time before sighing. "She must've been really tired."

Kaneko hummed, nodding in agreement with him before raising a brow at the glances Ushijima was giving her.

"Do you have anything more to say Ushijima-san?"

Ushijima cleared his throat, slowly nodding before he quickly glanced around. "Does being on your period tire you out more?"

Kaneko processed his question for a couple seconds before softly nodding, a small smile forming on her lips.

"Well it can vary, since not everyone is the same, but I know Oikawa's tires her out faster, once she starts hers it's fairly obvious in the way her mood suddenly drops and she walks around as if fatigued."

The Grand King and Queen [Oikawa siblings]Where stories live. Discover now