jungkook hummed, "i don't know, maybe a month" he spoke, "love, we need to go to the hospital"

"no we don't. i haven't slept in like 3 days so i would like to sleep" he said, "kook, you can sleep at the hospital. we need to go"

"shh" jungkook shushed the boy, "stop shushing me. get up" he said, "i'm tired"

yoongi was getting frustrated with the boy, they were arguing about going.

"i'm not going to be able to sleep if you're thinking like this. we're going for the sake of your mental health. there is no protesting"

jungkook sighed. he took his slippers and stuffed bunny as yoongi guided him to the car.

"why are you crying?"

yoongi wiped his tears, "i'm scared..i'm scared of loosing you" he sniffled as they drove, "you mean so much to me" he cried.

this was the first time in a while that he saw yoongi cry with an extremely upset and saddened words and expressions.

"i can't lose you. please.. why didn't you talk to someone? why didn't you tell me?" he cried, his heart was racing as he was crying as hard as he could for a driving person.

"i don't know..i'm sorry" jungkook said, the rest of the car ride consisted of both of them crying in an awkward silence.

"we're going to interview you in this room away from jungkook because you're overwhelming him with your crying and we need to ask some questions"

yoongi sobbed into his hands. he didn't want to be doing this at almost four in the morning.

"do you know how long he has felt like this?" the social worker asked, "he said around a-a month.. please just help him! i'll do fucking anything. i don't want him suffer, please!" he sobbed, he didn't want to answer anything he just want jungkook to be alright.

"i get your concern, sir min. you can help us help him by answering. we have someone helping him right now" the social worker reassured, "do you need water?"

yoongi shook his head as he cried. the last thing he wanted on this earth was for his sunshine to suffer.

"hey jungkook, how are you feeling?" the social worker that was working with him asked, "i feel kinda bad"

"why's that?" he asked, "everything kinda.. sucks. well, i just don't want to live so my fiance took me here" he spoke, "do you have a plan?"

jungkook shook his head, "have you been using illegal substances?" the man asked, he shook his head again.

"do you have a history of mental health?" he asked, "mhm.. i have ptsd"

the man wrote something down and checked some things on his computer.

"how much do you sleep a day?" he asked, "i try to sleep 8 hours but i haven't slept in like 2 days" jungkook said, "is there a reason?"

"i have ptsd nightmares and flashbacks, woo me!" he laughed, "can you laugh too?" he asked, "um, i didn't think it was funny. how do you cope with these nightmares and flashbacks?"

"well, i cope well with them but lately i haven't because they happen very often. i usually stare at walls" he said, "are you having hallucinations? or hear things others don't?" the man asked, "no, i just feel like dying. that's it"

the social worker had to call someone and discuss something but then returned with jungkook.

"we're going to set up a safety plan and discuss what to further do"

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