Chapter 45

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I woke up to the smell of ginger. Opening my eyes it looked foggy. My windows were filled with fog barely letting me see outside. Getting up I took my shower and got ready to head down.

"Merry Christmas Anna!!!" I heard Emma say. She was in her Christmas PJs watching the tv. She ran to me and gave me a hug. I wasn't prepared for a hug but gave one back. I looking inside the kitchen and saw my aunt cooking. I greeted her with a merry Christmas Eve In which she returned.

Then James walked in with a heavy energy. He walked up to the counter and grabbed a apple.

"You okay sweetie?" My aunt asked. He nodded his head before heading back upstairs. My aunt and I both looked at each other with questionable faces. I followed after him upstairs. Knocking at his door he opens it wide.

"Something is wrong with you?" I asked entering his room without asking.

"It's nothing Anna" he said annoyed leaning on the wall. I crossed my arm not believing.

"Come on James I wanna know!" I sat on his bed waiting for him to be honest. He sighed and sat next to me. It took him awhile to say anything.

"Today is the second year I lost all my friend" he said. He stared at his wall ahead of us.

"I won't go into details...Devin and I fought on Christmas once, it was bad, bad fight, bad time and bad reason" he continued with his story

"I try to forgive him but I can't, and it hurts me knowing things could have been different..." he then looked at me.

"I know you have to work on your drama project but be careful Anna, don't trust him" James said In a serious tone.

"What did he do James?" I asked.

I really wanted to know. A part of me always wondered. He looked at me like with a lot of sadness. Shaking his head he got up and made his way to his bathroom.

With my curiosity on what Devin did I began to wonder if I should give Devin his gift I ordered last night and paid to get delivered today.

"Don't worry about it anna, you won't have to deal with him now that your out the play as well" he said closing the door shut behind him.

I know I was going to leave soon but a I didn't want to. I wasn't sure what hurt me more, leaving my family that I only have known for a month or not wanting to see my family back at home. I walked out his room back down stairs and offered my aunt assistance with the cooking. She had me cut foods that needed to be. While I was cutting Joe appeared in the kitchen

"Someone had a good sleep Joe" I heard my aunt say. Joe was im his regular outfit with the suit. I swear he had nothing else in his closet.

"Anastasia cooking, this is something surprising, we need a picture!!" Joe shouted at the end . We laughed and did end up taking a picture. So far it wasn't even the after noon and this was my favorite Christmas.

We were all sitting in the living room in front of the Christmas tree. The chumminess was on with the heat pressing against my skin in a far distance. The whole family dresses up with the best clothes we had. This year I felt weird without my crown on my head or being in my room after the family dinner.  Before an of the presents where opened we played with board games, watched a Christmas movie and ate together as a family.

The whole Williams family including Mr William we're laugh and talking together. Looking around I felt at peace. Then I began to remember how hesitant I was coming here. This is the best gift I could even have.

Soon it was time to open the gift. I decided to give mine out first since I was over whelmed with excitement. Giving gifts turned out to be a nice feeling to me. I watched as they all began to look at there gift with joy. They all thanked me with a hug .

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