Chapter 30

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The second day of finals. Today I will be going to my period 3 and 4. Lucky for me I didn't have any of those periods with Devin. He had messaged me yesterday. I really wasn't sure what about but I didn't want to find out. When he messaged me I asked him for my diary straight away. He said after the play and I said I didn't want to wait, after that he then said okay, and I said okay. Then there was no answer.

I sighed sitting in my physics classroom, taking this two hour test. Physics wasn't my best subject, you could ask me anything else but physics. I sighed submitting my work into the front desk where my teacher will grade them.

After the test I started reading my lines for the play. Even tho I knew the lines , I had nothing else to do. Soon eventually the bell rang.

Finally!!! I couldn't stand sitting in that chair any longer!!!

I packed my belongings and looked up to see a muscular figure appear. He looked like one of the guy from the football team. He smiled at me while I was packing my things. His eyes were red and he smelt like Fainted weed mix with cologne.

"Anna I'm adam!" He took out his hand. I was hesitant to take it his hand. He shook my hand aggressively.

"I wanted to invite you to my party this weekend on Saturday" Adam then took out his phone and told me take out mine. He then air dropped his address and the time to arrive.

"I expect to see you there" Adam said walking of with a smile. I was surprised and not sure if to feel flattered.

I then texted Bella to meet me at our usual spot. We usually met at the same table everyday but today they would be in the library. James and his friend Aaron would join us to. I saw Bella already sitting at the usual table and pulled out a seat from next to her. I grabbed out my lunch Joe packed for me and sat next to her.

Since the second day attending school I had Joe pack me home made food since I didn't like the ones they served here.

We both greeted each other and ate our lunch. Bella and I had gotten somewhat close. Not close enough to tell her where I'm really from. I saw as she was reading a book call "fault in our stars". Bella was a bookworm. Almost everyday at lunch I would see her read, a few times we would talk.

" do you know Adam?" I asked her. She looked up from her book.

"Eveyone is this school knows the guys from the football team. Devin, he is the hottest one who hooks up with Who ever he wants and gets what he wants but also mysterious , Adam is the hard core party boy who also messes around, also a addict I believe but somehow gets away with any illegal thing he does. Noah is the sweet but mischievous one and likes to pull pranks on teacher..but sweet-" Bella continued to name the rest of the football team and what they are known for. I kept my gaze on the table the boys were at for a moment.

When she was done I pulled my chair closer to her.

"Is devin really known to be the hottest and hooks up a lot?"I asked her. She looked at me like she was trying to figure me out.

"Well it's all pure rumor, although that's how Devin makes himself look like, I heard another rumor that Chloe and him got back together yesterday after he hooked up with grace over the weekend" she said. I froze.

"But we went to San Francisco on the weekend!" I whispered . SHe paused and thought about it. She then nodded telling me I was right.

"Weird" I said leaning against my chair.

"Well I think the Chloe and him are together again since she they drove to school yesterday together and that apparently-" Bella learned in closer to me, whispering in my ear.

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