Chapter 19

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We entered the cab and were in our way to a museum,Lucas was talking about. I started to wonder what time it was only to realize I forgot my phone at the party.

"I'm Lucas I forgot my phone" I panicked looking all around. Lucas saw and started to looked around the backseats with me. "Do you remember where the last time you used it?"lucas asked.

"I don't and I'm staying with the Knights but I'm not sure where they live?!" I blurt out. I saw the taxi drive shoot me a glance through the rear view mirror. Lucas then let out a chuckle, "don't worry about getting home and don't worry about your phone I'm sure we can get you a new one" he said reassuring me.

"It's fine there is no need for you or anyone to get me a new phone" I finally relaxed and leaned back into the seat.

Lucas took out his phone from his pocket and I took a glimps at the time.


Then we came to a stop. I looked outside and see a beautiful museum. Lucas got off the car and opened my door. I got off and thanked him. He was very sweet and a gentleman. If my dad knew him he'll probably love him too.  He locked his arm with mine as we walked into the museum. I noticed it was empty and with only the lights on.

"Lucas it's empty are you sure it's not closed?"I asked him. He kept walking to the front door.

"Don't worry Anna I called my dad and told him to keep it open for a private hour because I wanted to bring a special friend" Lucas said and smiled at me.

We were walking to the entrance of the museum. "Welcome to the legion of honor museum" he said opening the museum doors and it was beautiful.

"I don't understand how did you get us to have a private hour here" I asked Lucas looking around the museum.

"My dad is co owner" he said.

"Amazing" I was amazed.

The rest of the museum tour by Lucas was great. I learned a few things I never knew and some I did. It was amazing how interested Lucas was into the pieces in the museum. I found it very attractive how he was focused and smart he seemed. We walked around the museum inside and outside. Until we had to go. Lucas dad only let us be in the museum until 12. We were currently waiting outside in the front for Lucas personal driver to pick us up.

"Did you like the tour?" He asked me. I giggled and nodded and caused him to smile brightly.

"Um Would you like to go somewhere to eat before I take you home?"Lucas asked

Oh no devin!!! I completely forgot.

I froze for a second from thinking about going to the knights mansion but got over it because I really did want to go eat with Lucas. Especially if it means that I don't have to see Devins face.

"I would love that" I told Lucas. At that moment a black vehicle pulled up in-front of us. Lucas then opens the back door for me and I entered and we were in our way.
"Awwww that's gross Lucas" I told him with a disgusted face.

"What's are you talking about!! Pickles are literally what brings the sandwich together" he said pointing at his half eaten cheese burger. We were at a place call McDonald's.

When we were driving I saw a huge M and always heard about it all around my palace from the maids and guards on their breaks. I had always wondered what it would be like. When I suggested McDonald's Lucas refused but accepted once he heared I've never tried it .

"How can you eat pickles like that ewww" I gaged . He laughed . The McDonald's was empty with one homeless man in the far back corner eating his meal that Lucas payed for earlier. I found that sooo sweet. The homeless man was very grateful and prayed before eating his meal. But little did the homeless man know . Lucas gave him a $100 dollar gift card for McDonald's.

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