Chapter 42

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"Devins prov" l

After my conversation with James about what happened that night with Anna ,he told me Anna's emo friend had her car somewhere.

He gave me the keys since the fell out her pocket and told me to "deal with it"

Our whole conversation he was upset. To my surprised he didn't try to fight me. I saw as Anna was in the back seat with Bella. They both took a picture and laughed. I chuckled seeing them behave this way.

I watched as James drove off then looked down at my hand with Bella's car keys. I then began trying to unlock every car I saw parked.

I was on the third block and hear a car unlock. I did it again and to my surprise I saw a nice sport car unlock. I smiled. I made my way to the drivers door.

"Hey man what are you doing!!" Someone said behind me. I turned around and saw a guy.

"What are you doing" I said.

"This is my car" the guy said.

"No this is mine" I said crossing my arm. Then I was about to open the door until it locked itself. I didn't lock it meaning only option left. I turned around and saw the guy reveal his car keys and kept unlocking and locking. He smirked. I shook my heads I then pressed the lock button on Bella's keys.

Nothing was Happening but I heard the sound and looked to my side.

What the fuck is that?!!!

I looked over infront of the the sports car and seen a beaten grey car parked infront, unlocking and locking when I pressed the buttons on the keys.

"Sorry man" I told the guy and moved over the the side walk.

There is no way I'm getting In that.

The guy got into his car. The window where tinited so you couldn't really see inside.

That moment a car driving by, stopped in the middle of the street. Noah exited the back seat. The car continued to drive off once Noah got off. He walks over to me.

"Devin what are you doing" he asked me.

"Getting Anna's emo friends car since she can't drive it" I said.

"For real? Oh snap is that her car" he said looking at the sport car in-front of us. I raised a brow

"Wanna drive her car to her house tomorrow morning ?" I asked with a evil smile.

"Well yes duh" he said excitedly . I gave him the car keys and he took them. I began walking off.

"Hey man what the fuck you doing" I heard from behind me. I chucked.

"Oh I thought this was my friends car" I heard Noah say.

"Bruh your car in Infront of mine man" the guy said. I continued to walk trying not to laugh as loud.

"Devin! Actually You can drive" I heard Noah say.

I turned around and shouted back at him.

"It's a cool car you at my house"I said before walking to my car.

"Fuck you devin" Noah said. I laughed.


Noah and I were both in my room doing our own thing. Since Noah's parents here both at work,he wanted to stay at my house.

He was quiet more than usual. I was scrolling through Instagram untill I couldn't take the silence .

"Whats wrong with you?"I turned off my phone. Noah then rolled his eyes with a heavy sigh.

"Something doesn't make sense to me" he told me shutting off his phone. He looked at me in the eye.

"Since when we're you friends with Anna?" He questioned. It took me off guard and couldn't think of anything.

"Umm I- well we are in a play together it's only natural" I made the excuse. He thought for about 10 seconds before nodding.

"So nothing is going on beteeen you two? Because the way things went at adams ,it seemed you would have done anything to help her. It seemed like your world evolved around her"Noah admitted. I let out a chuckle.

" can have her. If I didn't help her then James and I would have a bigger issue." I said with a small grin and continued to scrolled through I Instagram.

He stayed quiet for a bit.

"You know when we took the guy to the station i over heard the police say something...weird" he began to say. I felt a motion of anger flow through me.

I looked to my side from my phone when we are talking.

"And?" I asked. He turned his body towards me.

"Well I over heard that the guy wasn't even from here, I forgot from where but they were saying stuff about him being a gang member" he said calmly but at the same time not believing. I nodded.

"You had to much to drink, you can sleep in the guest room if your still gunna stay here" I said looking back at my phone.

"Devin I'm good, I'm serious I didn't even drink" he said.

"If what your saying is true and I don't believe you then, why would a "gang member" show up to a high school party" I said

"Exactly what I'm know the cruel things they do maybe!!!" He said loudly. I sighed and went back looking on Snapchat of everyone's post.

"Fine man you don't have to believe me" he said walking out the room.

"I don't believe you..your drunk" I said as he shut the door.

The Princess And The Jerk: The Knights HeartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora