Chapter 33

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I woke up on my own today. No alarm no kids screaming at each other in a hurry. It was peaceful. It was the first day of winter break. It was the first Saturday after the finals.

I sat up on my bed looking through the window to the side. It was bright and clear. I got up and did my regular routine on the weekends. Shower, face routine, stretch, read, draw and etc. well that was when I was home under 24 hour surveillance. Since I got here I felt weird but now I shower, face routine read and watch Netflix. Since Devin introduced me to Netflix I convinced Joe to get me a tv and subscription to Netflix, lucky the Williams let me use their Netflix.

I was browsing through the options displayed on the flat tv screen when I came across gossip girl. Seeing it reminded me of the time I was stuck with Devin outside the car. I decided not to watch it and continue to find something else.

After hours of not knowing what to watch I started watching vampire diaries. A lot of the girls in my school seen it so I wasn't sure what the big fuss was about. I began watching it, falling in love with Stefan Salvatore.

"JOEEE!!!!" I scream. Loud foot steps came running from the hall. My door was swung open. James was holding at baseball bat and Joe had a pan . They looked around and notice me relaxed.

"Are you serious Anna I thought someone was trying to take you" James said putting his bat down. Joe put the two pans down as well.

"Ms Anastasia please you gave me a heart attack" Joe said wiping off sweat.

"Someone did take me, they took my heart, I mean Stefan! Look!" I said pointing at the screen. James groaned.

"Plus why would anyone want to take me!?" I asked with eyes glued to the screen.

"I don't know Anna maybe because your literally a royal princess worth trillions" James screech.

I stayed glue to the screen but tried to remember my life at the palace. I never realized how much I hated it until now.

"Anastasia why would you scream ?!" Joe asked .

"I wanted a few sweets Joe" I said pouting. He shook his head.

"Sweets are bad , your nutritionist would kill me" he said Turing his back, James took that as a sign to leave as well.

"Joe nooo please " I screamed , they both left leaving me candy less, with my door shut. I groaned and looked back at the tv.

My mind then transferred to the party later today starting at 8. Usually my party's start at three and end at 12 . I found it strange how eveything is so different here. It was a good different , a fun different.

At that moment my phone rung. Seeing the caller ID it said Noah. I stared at it for a couple of seconds and debated to answer or not. I groaned before picking up the phone.

"Hi Noah" I said sweetly

"Anna hey sooo um I just wanted to know if you are gunna show up to the party today?" He asked, he sounded a bit nervous.

Usually when someone gets nervous around me I don't reflect the same reaction but due to a cute boy my age and not 5 times older I did.

"Oh party...adams...well yeah I'll see if I can" I said without thinking. I began walking back and forth. I smacked myself on the forehead and panicked for a brief second hoping he didn't hear the loud smack.

"Great well...hopefully you see you later" he said. I agreed and hanged up the phone. I sigh throwing my phone on my bed. I followed after starring at the roof.

What am I doing!?


Through the day I had gotten dressed in simple clothing. Th kids were in the playroom where the boys have their play stations and Emma had her toys such as doll houses, tea table and more. The room was quit big.

Most of the day I had thought about how to go to  the party, the other half I tried to convince james to go with me. Attending the party wasn't a big deal to me but it was something I wanted to make the most of. I leave in three weeks.

I leave back to being the girl who waves to her citizens with her smile like she's happy, stay locked up in her room, or even attending formal events with folks 10 times my age. I just want to experience as much as i can!

After James had rejected me to go to the party I was playing with Emma when I got a phone call from Bella. I check the time and it was 5:32.

I was guessing she was wondering if we would be going. The party starts at 8 and I have no idea how far Adam lived. With that I answered the phone. 

"Hey Bella!" I noticed the difference between my phone call with Noah and Bella.

"Are we going today?" She asked in a whisper.

"I thought you didn't want to go" I said in a whisper. I looked at Emma who looked at me to pour her fake tea, Emma and I were currently in the play room sitting on her tea table with her dolls having a little tea party. I didn't judge her or anything since I used to do this a lot myself.

"Well I change my mind" my head jotted up.

"What... what change your mind huh?" I asked her.

"Well, i don't know some guy that's going kinda invited me" my eyes wide.

"Bella!!!who!!!" I shouted in excitement.

"Calm down anna and you wouldn't believe me if I told you so I'll wait" she hesitated. I was surprised at how someone invited Bella, not to be rude, but at the same time I was excited and happy.

"Well then Bella let's go!" I said excitedly.

I looked at Emma who had her arms crossed in frustration since I wasn't cooperating with the mini tea party.

Before hanging up I told Bella I couldn't go without James and she gave me an idea. I already thought of. Sneaking out. I couldn't since I have no experience. Before hanging up she told me a list of instructions of what to do.

"Check if you could get out through your window"

"Make sure they don't have cameras if they do find where it's plugged in"

" get extra pair of clothes......"

I understood all the instructions clearly, but I just needed to find the courage to do so.

"Hey Emma ima stop playing okay" I told her, she nodded not meeting my eyes. Apart of me began to wonder if she heard everything on the phone between me and Bella. I began walking to James room to ask him one more time if he will go to the party. I saw as James entering his room.

"James!" I shouted. I walked faster to him. He looked at me and sighed

"No anna I'm not going. So stop asking" he said getting inside his room closing the door behind him. I began to get upset of how I'm always getting door close when usually they open for me.

Sneaking out it is then.

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